ESSAY WARNING - never cried more that 3 times while reading, this is a first

hey hEY HEY May 24, 2021 7:17 pm

out of all the romance dramas that i have read, none have gave me the same amount of tears, heartache, anger and frustration all at the same time like thjs bad boi had

HEAVY SPOILERS, will heavily talk about main plot points & characters + overuse of the word "disgusting" because thats what these people are.

i have issues with a lot of character but i like sungri and youngmin above all else. the lowest of the low would be the professor, hoobae sunbae and chief kim

----- youngmin's case
lemme just say this i do hate seunghye uwu. she has the audacity to assume shit, talk about said shit in public with STRANGERS while also knowing that she tends to misunderstand things. even after all that she didnt even TRY to speak with youngmin to clarify the situation or anything. and no before you say that she's simply concerned about youngmin, she isnt if she was she would have discussed first thing next day with youngmin + held back from saying anything to strangers instead of TELLING/agreeing with kim hoobae about it.

theyre adults, with responsibly and (non existent) maturity, its embarassing. you have lived on earth for 2 decades and yet you still behave like children?? disgusting, especially kim hoobae. arent u embarrassed to believe/spread a rumour that have no evidence? out of all the people u chose to believe its KIM HOOBAE, then mf who has an inferiority complex from every fucking angle?? who treats other like trash?? who IS trash??? eugh

the professor... i dont wanna talk in depth about him but just know that he's disgusting. the lowest of low. the trashiest of trash. the DUNG of the dung pile. he not only RAPED and GASLIGHT a male STUDENT, he is also BLACKMAILING youngminand also pursuing relationships with OTHER students as well. he deserved that second beat up, he deserve another one (and a hundred more) and a jail sentence of a lifetime with no chance of parole.

all the other students are SHITTTT. his friends?? LMAO WHAT FRIENDS. no one even bothered to ask about the truth, they didn't give a damn about youngmin. not a single one

------ jungwoo's case
this one BAFFLES me. i cried twice here AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHa. probably thrice idk i lost count.

the setting is the DO management office, with people around idk 30? so you know people who has lived for over 20 years, with more life experiences and thus should probably have more maturity... AND YET AND YETTTTTTTT.

they behave WORSE than youngmin's schoolmates. writing in PUBLIC COMPANY FORUMS, speculating his marital status, talking behind jungwoo's back and only ONE person decided to talk to him??????? unbelievable these creatures are.

chief kim is by far the character that just makes me wanna go *flying kick* *right hook* *throws table* *throws 3 chairs* *left hook* *frying pan hit* to his peenie weenie . he makes me internally wretch and externally shivers in disgust and in embarrassment omfgggg. the way he said "i know how to recognize these people" and "i didnt have a good impression" (lines are altered to fit this essay, please check chapter 44 for reference) is HUEK.

the fact that he hit youngmin, who he thinks is a minor btw, TWICE IN A ROW, shows that he didn't approach youngmin out of kindness or concern, no this man is JEALOUS. jealous of jungwoo because, jungwoo looks rich, is handsome and gets a job position that's considered hard easily. this mf has an inferiority complex.

ngl im pretty sure him and hoobae sunbae is related. the shade of orange hair and the mannerism is just too similar for it to be a coinky-donk.

----- lets talk about the main couple.

look i get where youngmin came from and why he didnt confess the rape to his boyfriend. he was gaslighted immediately as he sobered up by a person who he admired (and also a person with power btw). and yes you can say that jungwoo has more power that the professor does but this is youngmin, he prob didnt understood that and didnt wanna involve others.

even if you 100% trust a person doesnt mean that insecurities and other depressing things wont hold you back from spilling your concerns. his also sufferings from the burdens of the rumours, it followed him aftrr the guilt that he felt (becaause he thought he was cheating) after being gaslit and SAed by his professor. it just drives his mental health down to the dumps.

he felt more and more insecure knowing that jungwoo hated liars/ hiders. which you'll prob think that he shouldve said it then and i agree. but he was still overwhelemed and it was also a human mistake. the next day he went to the prof and the prof blackmailed him to suck his dick (DISGUSTINGGGGG). youngmin was panicking, he wanted to confront this issue when he was ready and yet he was forced to make decisions he wasnt ready for.

the only times i didnt like his actions was when he left jungwoo for a couple of days in silence and called him back to hang out (sex). he didnt explained his behaviour and this was probably the BEST time he could've told jungwoo about the situation.

now jungwoo...

i dont like him. lets get that out of the way. he's a decent guy but he's quite childish. yes this is the by-product of his upbringing of being neglected and spoiled by his father i know i know. and yet i still wished he had some sort of more, hmm idk better way at dealing things? maybe im asking too much considering he just turned 20 a couple of months prior to the start of the story.

i hated how he didnt listen to youngmin when he was the one who confronted youngmin about the cheating/SA situation. he talked over him throughout the entire conversation and made the entire thing about himself. he didnt listened to youngmins side, and when he did he twisted the story. i get it, he's highly emotional at the moment and yet he still wanted to continue a relationship with youngmin without a proper talk.

i feel sad for him and youngmin, but also i feel that the break was very much needed. both of them needed to deal with the situation by themselves considering they wouldnt get anywhere with their insecurities clouding their minds.

he instead believed the Professor the stranger in his life over his lover because what the professor said matches with what he assumed happened and gave him validation.

he himself felt hurt and yet he continued to do shitty things (people do that when they're highly emotional, but his actions when he sobered up was not warranted). he continued this blaming and accusing attitude towards youngmin even after he himself fet guilty. i know he probably still felt hurt by youngmin's actions but it still irks me, sorry. the fact that he wishes youngmin to feel hurt shows that he doesnt believe youngmin at all, he will eventually in the future. but it pains me to read his lines when you know what youngmin has been through and the internal turmoil he felt.

BUT i am happy that he was the one to make youngmin realize what the Professor did was wrong and he was abused in one of the most horrendous ways out there.

(by the way i disliked his cousin btw, jumping to conclusions even from a year back this bitch really made my heart boil when she accused youngmin of spilling the coffee on purpose)

moving on to the couple break ups that they did in the span of the webtoon, if i recall correctly there was about 2 of them.

the first one that didnt went through because they literally saw each other the next day since jungwoo was beating the LIFE our of the professor. the final and big break up was the one that was prompted by jungwoo's protectiveness and guilt which was boosted by his family members.

prior to the Big One youngmin was already feeling unsure about the relationship bc of how jungwoo treated it. ya know by hiding. which is not good because by hiding their relationship its like proving the world that what their relationship is wrong and it isnt!!!!!?!!? anyways yeah they needed this break because i dont see them talking, well more like they would start and then stop. i 100% agree that jungwoo should go to a therapist and he did!

the actions that followed afterwards proves that they should take a break. jungwoo is still quite childish/selfish, he tends to do things that hurt himself and others so often that it becomes a habit and it sucks. and what he said was true, they can help each other togethet but they cant do that if they dont talk. a proper one. he keeps on either avoiding it or throws it out the windows until he's confronted by his brother or father.

they're both also pretty obsessed and dependent of each other. which for someone at their age i dont think its healthy. this one is an opinion (like all of this essay) but especially this one becaus ei didnt do research at all. he acted just like the gossipers when he saw youngmin injured, jumping into conclusions without asking youngmin about the situation and then when he found out the truth he felt guilty and shitty af. youngmin as well. he felt that it was his fault that jungwoo was traumatized and felt guilty until he saw that jungwoo was "fine" in the department store. i do feel that he's blocking how he truly feels as to not get too emotional, which is why he looks more stable/normal/unaffected most of the time

aight THATS IT BABES, IM TIRED OF WRITING THIS, my thumbs HURT like a bitch because im typing on my phone like a dumbass. ANYWAYs take my comment with a grain of salt because like i said its my OPINIONNNNNN. muah muah bye bye


    Passerby June 4, 2021 9:35 am

    Thanks for typing this out. I couldn’t finish the series but I kinda want to know what happened, so I am really grateful for the spoilers.

    I don’t like reading anything with a lot of hateable characters. It is quite exhausting to keep on hating. So I feel like it will be exhausting to finish this series.