Chapter 7 is such good fap material, why didn't anyone tell me this..? I'm at work and I j...

The Real Cestelle May 24, 2021 4:11 pm

Chapter 7 is such good fap material, why didn't anyone tell me this..? I'm at work and I just got a boner, lmao.

    chamin May 24, 2021 9:21 pm

    spoilers below !!

    um the chapter where jooin gets raped ? no that is NOT good "fap material" its highly uncomfortable, jooin is drunk and thinks its a dream and yahwi takes advantage of that and uses him..( ̄へ ̄)

    Cestelle June 2, 2021 9:08 pm

    Aw, and here I thought you finally found a hobby... There's more interesting people to fail at impersonating than me, anyways.

    chamin June 3, 2021 5:14 am
    Aw, and here I thought you finally found a hobby... There's more interesting people to fail at impersonating than me, anyways. Cestelle

    oh wait im so sorry, i didnt realize it was a person pretending to be you !! i didnt mean any of that towards you. ill report them right away, i hope they stop pretending to be you :/