But in the story. In the comments section. I'm not taking shit about the story wise from the face that of course the romance would be bad when the author is only really good at action. Which is why I said you're blind. You didn't read my comment properly and got upset. Try to have a proper conversation next time. I'm not upset, just tired of finding toxic shit on all of my faves. It's so tiring.

»It's insane how fucking misogynistic every fucking action comic is where they nitpick apart every female character [...] The only good thing about this story are the fights. The action is good. The rest of subpar.«
That seems to be very much directly talking about the story. If you didn't mean the Webtoon, you should have made that clear - or even mentioned it at all. Don't try to push your incompetence in writing onto me.
But even if that was your point: Since when are Webtoons at fault for the reader's stupidity?
It also isn't mysogynistic to say you hate romance, in a story that doesn't need a romantic subplot to begin with. I hate (hetero) romance too (wouldn't give a shit if Ijin decided to fuck the Lieutenant or something, but that's my personal taste), and so I obviously tend to get annoyed at the characters that bring in the romance, which in stories like these, tend to be the females - especially the pushy ones. Why? Because that is a normal human reaction, to try to find a target to aim your anger at, when something pisses you off. In a story, that would be obviously the girl that brought in the romantic subplot, as it doesn't matter, because the bitch isn't real and can't feel hurt.
I was also annoyed by all the comments about romance, dicking around already, when nothing even happened yet, but the behaviour itself is not that strange at all and has little to nothing to do with mysogyny. Throwing around dog whistles, when you don't even know what they mean, is never an intelligent thing to do.

It is not. Because it doesn't stem from any kind of hatred against women in general, but against the epitome of what's annoying them in a story. That has nothing to do with mysogyny.
I did break it down, tho? Just didn't create spaces inbetween, because I find that ugly, as long as there's no need for them.

Okay my issue is that they're upset with the character for a bad romance when the author is the one who wrote the bad romance. And even if we are going to make the characters take the piss, these two haven't done anything yet, and the freckled boy has been more girlish and in more danger than anyone else in the story, girl or not, so why are they getting the piss for being "Damsel in distress" and "Oh my god she's so annoying" When so many of the other characters have the same issue of being annoying, but since they aren't girls no one is pointing them out.
Even the sister, as soon as she grew close to her own brother everyone was freaking out in a really gross way in the comments like "Oh my god she's gonna fall in love" blah blah blah. It's misogynistic because they are pointing out every woman in the stories flaws and ignoring the men's issues. And even if it wasn't misogynistic, it's super childish to just hate every woman in the text just cuz she's there.
You're not doing it but there are tons of people who are and it's so dumb. You can be critical of a piece without being hurtful or rude. You can criticize characters without taking it too far. This is why the internet has such a toxic mentality. This is the same thing they do to real actors and creators who take their lives and it's okay to do it just cuz it's a character? It doesn't make sense to me.
And it isn't even just this manhwa. Almost every manhwa with a similar premise of cool dude, cool fights, shitty romance and love interest has the exact same comments spammed like some uneducated warzone. It's actually kind of gross to look at.
i don't care about it if it isn't hurting people but it's creating a toxic mindset on these manhwas that all girls, family or not, are to be some shitty love interest let's burn them before it goes there like it's gonna change something other than perpetuating the harmful stereotypes people already have about weebs and stuff. I just want our community to be more conscientious of this sort of thing and to do better about not being bad people.

I won't take a lot of words today, because it's my free day and I want to chill, but I will go through this paragraph after paragraph and comment on it this way. Hope you understand.
Freckles is not a problem, because he probably won't pull the MC into a weird romance after falling for the suspension bridge effect. Again: The problem lies with the romance, not with the characters. You expect romance to come with girls like that, because people can read patterns. I can, too. But as I said, I also found them to be overreacting, I even commented on how stupid it is to already snap, when nothing was even happening. Then again, it's the signs that something might happening that gets their panties in a twist, probably because they, like me, are sick of the romantic subplots in stories where there shouldn't be any. But shitting on the author, who's a living, breathing being, shouldn't be what you advice here. They rather shit on characters that aren't alive, instead of shitting on the author who will (if at all) get the message this way too.
Again: If there was a high chance of Ijin being gay, they would be just as annoyed at the guys. But as it stands, it's not likely something that happens, so why bother going nuts over guys that won't blush and fall for Ijin, after he saved them a few times?
And yeah, if course it is childish. It is a childish reaction out of spite, because authors can't stop bringing in romance, when you really don't need it in action stories. It's annoying and so, the females that could land in the MCs interest, are annoying, too. You don't even see them as characters anymore, but simply as romantic interests that need to be abolished. And AGAIN: If there was any possibility, that this book was BL, they would just as much go off on the guys. But guys are safe, because that's unlikely, since it's not tagged as BL (for me, I wouldn't care if it's BL, I'm not against romance per se, I just don't like reading hetero romance, so for my personal taste, as stated somewhere before, if Ijin decided to make Freckles his damsel in distress and court him, I would probably cheer for them).
I'm not saying it's okay to be like that to an actor, but only really crazy people would take it this far and if it's just about the character, then actors should know where to draw the line. If you can't separate yourself from the character you played and separate the critique you get from nonsensical ramblings against the character and its position in the story, you shouldn't take roles in the first place, because it's gonna be rough. People ought to protect themselves, because no one is gonna do it for them. The internet is a wide space and shitting on characters is not only happening to females, again, your count on mysogyny is more than lacking. Because this has nothing to do with that; nothing to do with genders.
And your comment about actors is another thing: What I hate are reporters, those are the reason for actors killing themselves more often then not, in one way or another. But if you can't take comments, no matter how uncivilized they get, then you shouldn't be in the spotlight in the first place. It's like a person that sees something that triggers them in a shop and then blames the shop instead of blaming themselves, because they can't just leave the shop and drag their asses away from whatever triggers them, as they should be doing. You can't blame others for being unable to stand something. I don't shit on actors a lot, but I know there are people like that and no matter how crazy, you can't shut them all up, so you should know what you are getting into.
Or in other words: »Get out, LEAVE, right now~«
As for the community: I do agree on this one. But then again, I can understand where they are coming from. It's from a place of frustration, aimed toward writers that can't or simply won't stop bringing in romance into their stories, to draw in female audiences or for whatever reason and the readers reject them harsher, every time it happens. What you are seeing now is nothing but accumulated frustration, because authors simply won't stop doing this. They simply reject the whole set of female characters, in hopes they might reach the author somehow, making them realize they don't want that to happen. And yes, as I said, it might be childish, but it's still a normal, spiteful reaction. Nothing more, nothing less.
But yet again: Blowing a dog whistle is annoying, because you are actively diluting the meaning of a word that has an important meaning. If something like this is already mysogyny, then everything is and someday, nothing is really mysogyny anymore. That's how it is. Don't use words like that if they don't fit the criteria, because there might be people believing you. The same happened to the words pedophilia and racism. Stop trying to change or dilute the meaning of important words like that.

PS.: In case that comes off as weird, I will just randomly state that I wrote the word misogyny wrong on purpose, out of habit, because some sites would censor you for it, if they recognize a dog whistle like that. But then I went and used two more without guising them, because sometimes I'm just literally brainless, especially after I just wrote down a lot more than I set out to write in the beginning. Please, bear with me on this one.

I don't think I am diluting the word because I am using it correctly in the right context. You just disagree with my usage and that's fine, but I'm studying misogyny and all kinds of other weird shit in college so I know how to use and properly apply these words. And lastly, you can't just say "Get out of the spotlight if you can't handle it" when fame nowadays has been person after person with incredibly small followings all of a sudden blowing up out of no where and getting waves of hate all at once. Even if someone does choose to be in the spotlight "There no excuse for that disgusting behaviour because that one kys comment could be the last thing they ever see.
I know because I got bullied like that over a dumb tweet that wasn't even important, it somehow blew up, and I got bullied for just existing. It's not a fun feeling. If people can't even respect a fake character how can we expect them to respect a real person. There are less people with common sense than you think. Your views are very optimistic and taking out the ideas of implicit bias due to society and other media forms, and just stating your general opinion which isn't wrong. But that's like saying a black man who gets pulled over when there was nothing wrong with his license or driving, just to check his car, is in the wrong for being black. No, the officer is in the wrong for messing with an innocent person without any regard for them or their safety.
You don't understand how big of a role implicit biases from a societal norm standard plays a role in why people will trainwreck a female character and not a male one. I've never seen a bl comment section complain that a character is whiny unless he's done something at the detriment of the mc, or that he is aggravating unless he did something wrong like literal rape and not understanding what he did wrong. It's sadly why despite the issue with the BL community, I prefer them over a community that refuses to communicate and make intelligent choices like this one.
But like I said, its your opinion and I'm pretty tired of arguing this to someone who isn't including context of how the world views people anyway in their answer. I can tell you're very optimistic and you believe that it isn't out of spite. But with everything I've been through as a kid and even now, I can't be too sure. Thank you for having this respectful conversation with me.

You aren't using it correctly, because that would mean the context of whatever is said is the hatred against women, which isn't the case. That is literally not the meaning behind the term misogyny, if you don't know that, you shouldn't use it at all. You seemingly don't know, that there's enough people studying shit, thinking they know stuff and don't question it. That's how that shit with Evergreen State happened, too.
And if you decide to do something that's putting you into a spotlight, you should know what you get yourself into. If you post things about yourself, you should be able to handle it, if not, then leave it be. There's only very, very, very few cases of people somehow gaining spotlight without doing anything to warrant it. And then something really outrageous happened, which isn't something you can make a case study out of and then it's mostly media that's a problem, not a single comment on fucking Twitter.
And yes, I also know how harsh people can be, I was bullied in more than 10 years while attending school, not online, where I could have just deleted my account and gave it a rest, but in reality, where I couldn't escape from it. I remember vividly one time, which was supposed to be a joke, a guy ran off without looking back after giving me a push, but I almost fell down the flight of staires in front of me, because nobody gave a fuck. I can't walk down a few steps without at least holding onto a wall, because I feel sick looking down. So don't give me shit about a few comments online. Sick human nature is a part of why you should know how to handle yourself on the internet, that's why there's such things as media literacy.
You're comparing peaches with pears, with that story about the black man being bullied over being black. Because there's the difference I was on about in the first place: In your example, the guy didn't do anything bad, but was somehow bullied anyway. But there's no context warranting the cop to stop him in the first place. Let's now assume he could see the color of his skin before stopping, your example is supposed to be about racism, so I will just think about it this way. That still doesn't apply to the circumstances of this argument, because the readers here didn't lash out on the female characters with just that in mind. They didn't lash out because they were female and existed, they didn't lash out on the female bully or the friends of said female bully in that regard. Because it was clear as day that there would be no romance incoming from that side, they were easy to ignore, aside from the fact that they were obviously bitches for the sake of being bitches.
In your example, the driver is being held and annoyed by a cop for doing nothing to attract attention in the first place. But the female characters attracted attention by showing attraction toward the male protagonist. So the frustrated audience would lash out prematurely, because they can see a pattern and understand what certain gestures usually mean. And no, siblings aren't off limits, we all know that, so of course there are worried people around, even if the comments about it are stupid in this specific example of a story (since this isn't, let's say, fucking chivalry of a failed knight, right?).
And wouldn't people feel less inhibition disrespecting a non-real person over a living being? That doesn't make a lot of sense, mate.
I'm also tired of arguing with someone who doesn't understand the easiest thing about psychology. First of all: You, again, compare peaches with pears. The BL community is different? No shit, Sherlock. Because the fact that something is tagged BL means there's going to be what? Right, there's going to be romance in the story. There has to be, since it's supposedly BL, and there can't be gay romance, if there's no romance in the first place. So of course there's no one annoyed at romance, looking for a scapegoad to rag on because they hate the thought of bringing in romance, since they knew there would be romance, one way or another, for it to be BL. In a romantic setting, there would be no crying about it. If the character isn't well liked, in a romance, well, then that happens. Ever read »Even if you don't love me?« The title says it all, and yet, there's still so many people complaining about the toxicity - well, aren't you just stupid for clicking on and reading a story that was aiming for just that? Biggest Bruh-Moment, when I saw that. But in general, look at stories that are obviously romance, no one's gonna complain. But Actions isn't supposed to be romance and mostly carried by a male protagonist. So of course, the incoming romance is brought upon the readers by a female extra and that is why they lash out. And they don't just lash out, they say »No, no romance« and similar things, before they state dissatisfaction with the character, which is, of course, out of spite and biased, because they actually just hate the thought of romance in their originally non-romance centric fandom.
If you don't get how this has nothing to do with females, or hating on them for that matter, then you should consider changing universities, as it seems they don't teach you very well.

You're getting upset about me talking about being bullied online when I was bullied in school almost my entire life, abused most of my childhood so much so that I have trauma, and have documented stress disorder and adhd. Let's not even talk about how theres more behind all of those. Just because I said one kind of bullying I faced you decided to try to outdo it instead of sympathizing that you want through something similar and then started flipping out for no reason when I said you're allowed to think what you think. I though you were respectful but I guess I was wrong since you turned around and did all of this. Yeah, you've been through a lot, but never disregard someone else. You don't know who I am. I never disregarded you. You don't know I come from a low income black family, was abused every day after being bullied at school until I was 9, have been on drugs since I was 7, still am suffering with mental health issues, in college against all odds, and struggling every second. I get that you're upset but never take that out on someone else. That's really shitty of you. Have a good day. Leave me alone. Go find someone else to tell at and bully and play the "My trauma is worse than yours" game with.

PS: Btw it's pretty obvious that it's you that really likes to play the »My trauma is worse than yours«-Game, as I only stated something to make a point of how I do know that people are shit, but what is this all about, now? I couldn't care less about all your problems, I also have a lot more than what I mentioned, but did your paragraph have any deeper meaning within your statement? Was there a statement in there at all?
I hate weak-ass people who can't even hold a discussion. And don't tell me shit about how you couldn't argue with me, because one of my points included giving an example of how I know that people are shit, while there were at least another five times as much text dismantling what you said with logic. Of course I would shoot against the Twitter-Bullying shit, to shoot it down, because it didn't actually matter that much, but you made it out to be very important - eventhough the original argument was different, I let you change it as you tried to get a point it somehow, because even those points turned out to be invalid, as I have easily unraveled them and you didn't show any sign of being able to uphold those points. Now you make me out to be at fault because you can't argue. How annoying.

How nonsensical ... I didn't make a fight out of anything, it was you that whined after being out of arguments. But I still don't really give a shit, it's obvious you don't get what misogyny means, nor why there's people who hate romance in action stories.
Little sidenote: You can't troll people that you had a discussion with, a I don't know how you would be able to troll me now. And even if there was a point or possibility, telling me beforehand would ruin it, you genius. Just stay out of the internet, if you can neither discuss anything with a person without turning whiney and then blaming the other, or talking rubbish in the end. Well, whatever. Do what you want.
Right. It's insane how fucking misogynistic every fucking action comic is where they nitpick apart every female character to have something to be mad about but don't give two shots about the male characters at all and how lacking they are character wise as well. The only good thing about this story are the fights. The action is good. The rest of subpar.