Elizabeth whatever you have no shame. so many people begged you to stop, talked to you abo...

Anonymous May 24, 2021 12:57 pm

Elizabeth whatever you have no shame. so many people begged you to stop, talked to you about how the author pleaded to stop updating her work which can be seen FOR FREE on two legal sites, how it impacts her mental health and you still keep doing it. You can't be naive and believe even 10 percent of people here will read it later on legal sites just for someone's else sake. People don't give a fuck just like you dont give a fuck. So the only conclusion is: you are doing it selfishly for folowers on ig (what can be a point of incudling your account) or whatever your agenda is but it's clear it comes out from a very selfish place. You can't hide your bs behind "sUpPoRt ThE aUtHoR".
