Why do people hate sousuke so much? calling him selfish and all, he was a complex, realist...

Veane May 24, 2021 9:42 am

Why do people hate sousuke so much? calling him selfish and all, he was a complex, realistic character.
He was very much level headed and that translates into the actions he took.
He tried to give up on his love because he knew that it would be a nuisance since the deer was the heir and needed to get married and have kids.
And to top it off, he’s told that the reason the one he LOVES lost his powers was to save his life. He realizes that he stole all of his life and potential achievements from him, making shiraha unable to carry his duties anymore because of him, all to save his life, that MC thinks isn’t even worth saving.
So what does he decide to do? Kill himself. To give him back his powers. Like?? He was going to sacrifice himself.
Pretty selfless if you ask me.
Literally all of the decisions he takes are for the deer’s benefit.

(The comments made me remember the random incest uuughhhh i was so confused, my mind blocked it out completely from my brain)

    ⚛Christ-san⚛ May 26, 2021 1:58 am

    Uke is really selfless if you think about it
    He understands the fact that Seme is someone important and he needs a heir to pass down his stuff that's why even tho he feels the same he didn't say anything...