this... *spoiler alert*

sahara May 24, 2021 10:41 am

this is a fucking masterpiece. I especially liked how my almost-favorite characters died before I fully liked them. ha ha ha...

I liked how the characters were varied, the over-crying was never a bother, and the romantic shit ain't being slapped around needlessly. plus, the ART IS TOP TIER.

Kawada undoubtedly shouldered the pre-ending chapters, salute. though I hated the ending chapter. then again, no ending has ever been a hundred percent satisfactory for me anyway.

I could've made a longer commentary, but I'm too broken. let this purposely fuck me in the head in one sitting. maybe another time.

oh yeah, almost forgot. fuck you, Kiriyama. and your superglued jacket. f u c k y o u.
