god wth the Taesung really is a damn B E A S T. I can't help compare him to a giant bear a...

RoroZoro101 May 24, 2021 12:53 am

god wth the Taesung really is a damn B E A S T. I can't help compare him to a giant bear and shit... and god these guys can go to horny jail *BONK* YOU GUYS LITERALLY HAD SUPER DAMN ROUGH S#X LAST NIGHT LIKE HOW???

    Quicksilver May 24, 2021 4:46 am

    Lots of guys do it like that, and even more extreme. It's how some guys get the rocks off

    RoroZoro101 May 25, 2021 8:02 am
    Lots of guys do it like that, and even more extreme. It's how some guys get the rocks off Quicksilver

    can't relate - female virgin here Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) but damn i can't relate but they make it seem so good tho! LMAOO ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Quicksilver May 25, 2021 2:19 pm
    can't relate - female virgin here Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) but damn i can't relate but they make it seem so good tho! LMAOO ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ RoroZoro101

    just remember that yaoi isn't real life. This stuff is about the worst possible way to learn about sex. First time, you don't anything like what you're looking at here. You don't want to try anything even close to these pictures. Man, it's difficult to explain. Don't let any guy talk you into doing it up the ass. Tell them to go to hell with that. You're too tender for that. It would hurt like surgery without anaesthetic, and I'm not lying. The pain is downplayed here. It wouldn't hurt a guy who is all nicely broken in, but first time, it hurts even when you take it really really slow. It would traumatize you. If you want to try that stuff years from now, okay. It's your life. Don't do it now with a young vulnerable body.
    You could read Lost Virgin. It's a nice yaoi read, and it's good, not "wholesome," which gags me. LOL I think that story a nice way to see how a good first time experience can be. That said, for a young lady, you want a first time experience similar but without the anal, and not as fast as that goes. The experienced, gentle, understanding partner is a huge benefit, but not someone really old, someone closer in age to you. Old guys who go after young women are a sickness unto their own stupid older selves.
    Gay sex is different than hetero, and gay men don't necessarily act like the guys in yaoi stories.
    Don't fuck yourself up by thinking you want to do it as soon as possible. Wait till you like and trust someone very much cuz being a virgin, first time sex will take some, and you want it to be as good as possible.
    Sex can be beautiful, but bad sex can scar your life for good. It can be a spiritual death that increases with each bad experience, and bad experiences are available all the hell over the place for young tender ladies. Men older than you will think you're too stupid about sex and they're going to try stuff. Don't let them. Cut them off. Don't let any guy take advantage of you. Find a really good guy close to your age who is not going to push you.
    If this sounds too advice-ee, sorry about that. I'm older than you. I mean, I'd have to be, right? lol cuz I'm far from being a virgin with all my loads of experience, and I'm a man, so I worry about my little yaoi sisters.

    RoroZoro101 May 26, 2021 1:03 pm
    just remember that yaoi isn't real life. This stuff is about the worst possible way to learn about sex. First time, you don't anything like what you're looking at here. You don't want to try anything even clo... Quicksilver

    awww, thats truly sweet of you and that advice was amazing and i will take it to heart fully! (ノ≧∇≦)ノIdk if 18 is considered "young" (ig it is lol) but i know myself enough to know i'm a stubborn and arrogant person (my mum and younger brother can vouch for that fact LMAO). I don't chase men at all, i want the men to be chasing ME. I mean, i plan to NEVER had an$l s#x in the first place, no sir not for me X,D i could NEVER. And yea, i know that in manga and whatnot the scenes aren't realistic at all but its nice to fantasise it as something exciting as in the all these mangas etc. Age wise the max years i prefer is only 8 years older i can't do older than that lol and i absolutely could not do younger than myself but yea i have myself figured out but i know it'd be totally different when i'm actually put on the spot in such a situation.. but again.. thank you for the advice yaoi older brother! (ノ≧∇≦)ノ