I dont wanna sound rude but doha wanted the bet the mc doesnt owe him anything rn

Chickenbread May 23, 2021 8:27 pm

I dont wanna sound rude but doha wanted the bet the mc doesnt owe him anything rn

    Merry maid May 24, 2021 12:39 pm

    He shouldn't have agree to the bet people acting like he was force him to agree like he agreed knowing that he do not have feelings or that he's in love with someone else. People are not mad that he do not have feelings for the guy people are mad that he agree to go out with him but still pursuing the teacher ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Waiwai May 25, 2021 12:56 am
    He shouldn't have agree to the bet people acting like he was force him to agree like he agreed knowing that he do not have feelings or that he's in love with someone else. People are not mad that he do not have... Merry maid

    It can go both ways Doha is the one who suggested fully knowing Woohyun likes the teacher and Woohyun agreeing to the bet because he wants to get over the teacher. U guys missed the whole point of the bet which is for Woohyun to fall in love with Doha until they graduate. I don’t see Woohyun pursuing the teacher, if it’s someone u like obviously u be happy if ur with them lmao u can’t just get over a crush in one day it will take some time. I also see people taking some part out of context for example when Woohyun and the teacher met at the café acting like they are in some kind of date and acting like Woohyun cheated which was never the case cuz Woohyun and Doha were never in a real relationship.

    Merry maid May 25, 2021 2:21 am
    It can go both ways Doha is the one who suggested fully knowing Woohyun likes the teacher and Woohyun agreeing to the bet because he wants to get over the teacher. U guys missed the whole point of the bet which... Waiwai

    I saw the raw. he jealous someone confessed to Doha and was mad at that person but few chapter letter this guy went and confessed to the teacher and even wish that he was the same age as the teacher so the could date. he's a douchebag and he do not have feelings for the guy he should not be mad someone else's confessing to him and he should break up arrangement or the deal so the doha could find someone that actually like him not someone that going out with him because it's a deal.

    Merry maid May 25, 2021 2:26 am
    It can go both ways Doha is the one who suggested fully knowing Woohyun likes the teacher and Woohyun agreeing to the bet because he wants to get over the teacher. U guys missed the whole point of the bet which... Waiwai

    The whole deal was for them to be in a relationship what you think a deal is. if they're not in a relationship in the raw he's all kissing and touching feeling with the guy if it's not the relationship then what it is. I am mad that he do not want to put effort in the relationship or the deal then why is he still in it and he could easily cancel it but he's still in it and they're kiss him they're doing everything a person in a relationship could do with that partner and he still went and confessed to the teacher.

    Waiwai May 25, 2021 2:33 am

    Again why does Woohyun have to be the one to break the deal. If Doha is so heart broken or bothered he himself can call it quit. The only reason Woohyun agreed to it is to get over the teacher so in the process it’s only natural he feels some attraction for Doha because that is his goal. Of course there’s going to be some jealousy, just like how Doha is jealous of the teacher and how Woohyun also going to be jealous of who ever confessed to Doha, now I’m a Woohyun and Doha shipper so I’m happy Woohyun going to show his jealous side. Now about him confessing to the teacher or whatever hoping it’s not the case and just our misunderstanding.

    Waiwai May 25, 2021 2:48 am
    The whole deal was for them to be in a relationship what you think a deal is. if they're not in a relationship in the raw he's all kissing and touching feeling with the guy if it's not the relationship then wh... Merry maid

    Well I did not see the raw cuz I don’t want to confused myself since I don’t read korean. But I’m gonna stand by my statement.

    Merry maid May 25, 2021 3:06 am
    Again why does Woohyun have to be the one to break the deal. If Doha is so heart broken or bothered he himself can call it quit. The only reason Woohyun agreed to it is to get over the teacher so in the process... Waiwai

    How he going to be jealous of something and go around and do the same thing that's a little hypocrite to me and the reason I said he should be the one that broke up the relationship because he's the one pursuing the teacher. Someone said that it is a deal it's not a relationship and they said that they didn't see him trying to pursue the teacher that's what I told them but in the raw that I saw he is pursuing the teacher behind this doha back and even dream or imagine about wanting to kiss the teacher and he wish you was the same age as the teacher to start dating the teacher. He when and confessed to the teacher after getting mad at someone for confessing to the doha. he in a relationship( and for the person that said they are not in a relationship if they're not in a relationship why is he kissing and why is he being or touching feeling with the guy if it's not a relationship) that selfish you cannot have two things you have to chose, I really don't feel love in a relationship it's just feel second handed if feel like he cannot have the teacher so he have to make due with his friends that's how the relationship, so I don't think they should end up together cuz Doha deserves someone better he shouldn't be someone second choice.

    Waiwai May 25, 2021 3:12 am
    How he going to be jealous of something and go around and do the same thing that's a little hypocrite to me and the reason I said he should be the one that broke up the relationship because he's the one pursui... Merry maid

    Did u assume that he confessed to the teacher by the imagine in the raw or u actually read the raw? But anyway we obviously have different view so imma stop here before it gets too serious. If u don’t mind me asking what chapter did he confessed to the teacher in the raw?

    Waiwai May 25, 2021 3:31 am
    How he going to be jealous of something and go around and do the same thing that's a little hypocrite to me and the reason I said he should be the one that broke up the relationship because he's the one pursui... Merry maid

    Also when u said he treats Doha like his second choice personally I don’t see it that way. Every relationship is like that, u try getting over ur current crush/ex partner by trying to connect with other people. Everyone is everybody “second choice” if that makes sense. Right now u can’t blame anything but Woohyun feelings and like I said before crushes are hard to forget, he is still young so his feelings would be all over the place. I did not see the raw but since u said they shared some intimacy moment it only shows that he does have some feelings for Doha while in the progress of getting over the teacher. Anyway now let’s end this conversation .

    Merry maid May 25, 2021 3:32 am
    Did u assume that he confessed to the teacher by the imagine in the raw or u actually read the raw? But anyway we obviously have different view so imma stop here before it gets too serious. If u don’t mind me... Waiwai

    But I didn't assume he did confess in the comments they were talking about how he going to confess when he's already in a relationship and he even got mad that a teacher didn't accept the teacher didn't talk to he, he when to school the next day he don't want to touch Doha and Doha find out but instead of him being mad at the MC he was mad at the teacher like it's the teacher for your boyfriend confess to him ( ̄へ ̄)

    Merry maid May 25, 2021 3:35 am
    Did u assume that he confessed to the teacher by the imagine in the raw or u actually read the raw? But anyway we obviously have different view so imma stop here before it gets too serious. If u don’t mind me... Waiwai

    You can reach 23 and 24

    Waiwai May 25, 2021 3:37 am
    You can reach 23 and 24 Merry maid

    Thank you

    Merry maid May 25, 2021 3:38 am
    Also when u said he treats Doha like his second choice personally I don’t see it that way. Every relationship is like that, u try getting over ur current crush/ex partner by trying to connect with other peopl... Waiwai

    That's the thing he's not getting over the teacher like if you see the raw like I did you will know, and the teacher didn't really accept his feelings now he do not want to touch Doha and he's mad and angry and it is in the teacher fault but Doha is mad at the teacher like the is the teacher for his boyfriend confessing.

    Merry maid May 25, 2021 3:39 am
    That's the thing he's not getting over the teacher like if you see the raw like I did you will know, and the teacher didn't really accept his feelings now he do not want to touch Doha and he's mad and angry and... Merry maid

    *like it is the teacher fault his boyfriend confession

    Waiwai May 25, 2021 3:39 am
    But I didn't assume he did confess in the comments they were talking about how he going to confess when he's already in a relationship and he even got mad that a teacher didn't accept the teacher didn't talk to... Merry maid

    Mhm well I guess it’s gonna get angsty. Either way I can’t hate Woohyun somehow maybe because I want him to end up with Doha

    Waiwai May 25, 2021 3:41 am
    That's the thing he's not getting over the teacher like if you see the raw like I did you will know, and the teacher didn't really accept his feelings now he do not want to touch Doha and he's mad and angry and... Merry maid

    Well i saw somewhere that it’s 50 chapter and the raw only have 24 chapter so there is still a long way to go.