Help me!!

✨°•Mon~chi•°✨ May 23, 2021 7:51 pm

So guys help me!
So okay this was a manga which I read way before.... It was like uke(older) confessed to seme(younger) but seme was a big asshole or something and rejected uke... But when seme learnt that uke had good grades he began to be chummy with the uke and uke being in love with the seme did everything seme asked..... So when they reached college? Uke heard seme talking to his friend like the friend asked whether he(s) liked the uke and seme straight up said that it was gross... And also told that he was only tolerating him because of ukes good grades... Uke heard all that and seme noticed that was uke listening but payed it no mind.... Uke ran away... He transferred overseas to study and when he(u) came back he was the manager? of a company and seme was one of the employee under him.....

Something like that so if you know please tell me!!!
