whoa whoa whoa Trashta you lying bitchass

mads May 23, 2021 4:21 pm

If i remember correctly, didn't Sovieshit get his hands on the correspondence between Navier and Heinley? I think he burned the letters but he also read them and didn't see anything suspicious...so he would know Trashta is lying to him...and realize she's a deceptive piece of shit.

    lovelylemons May 23, 2021 4:24 pm

    He's already suspicious of her. Which is why he didn't throw away the evidence of her plotting against the countess. But he's blinded by "love" and chooses to ignore it cause he thinks she's harmless

    ksjmoon May 23, 2021 4:31 pm

    he kinda already knows he's just being deliberately blind to trashta bcs he needs pussy that's it

    negative May 23, 2021 4:31 pm
