looking for bl that was made into movie.

Lil Mess May 23, 2021 6:30 am

I remembering reading it but I watched the movie a while back loved it, im pretty sure I read the manga on here the movie was called something like a " the cornered mouse dreams of cheese". it was about a married dude who would often cheat and his wife hired a PI but the PI is like an old college person he knew. the PI loved the man since he first met him. blackmailed him into sleeping together and they had physical relationship. the wife found out some how, they divorce. I can't remember all the details. maybe I completely made up reading it bu Tim pretty sure I exists. anyone know????

    Lil Mess May 23, 2021 6:45 am
    https://www.mangago.me/read-manga/kyuuso_ha_cheese_no_yume_omiru/ rum

    OMG THANK YOUUU!!! the thing is I remember the cover and I wanted to look for that manga too but thought there was no way I would remember what is was about. its a coincidence that it was actually this. anyway, that didn't make much sense, thank you tho!!!!!!!

    rum May 23, 2021 6:52 am
    OMG THANK YOUUU!!! the thing is I remember the cover and I wanted to look for that manga too but thought there was no way I would remember what is was about. its a coincidence that it was actually this. anyway... Lil Mess

    you're welcomee