Why do you hate Yua? Please explain

Aoki Fudji May 23, 2021 6:24 am

Can anyone please provide me some logical arguments behind the hatred you all have for Yua?

She is just a naïve child who never did anything bad nor for the Kondou or anyone else.

She was summoned to another world and obligated to save everyone from miasma. And she not only agreed to this role but do all she has to do as diligently as she can.

If it's about a little irresponsible attitude she has, I guess it's clearly explained by her age and way she is treated. Everyone treats her as a "Saint" or even as someone like "Princess". (But she didn't even once look down on anyone around)

I assumed by some of your comments that maybe her "true nature" showed in a novel but there's nothing like this.

You guys, you really made me read a whole novel until the last available chapter so I could at least a little bit understand your hatred for the Yua.

However, now I just wonder if we are really reading one title. The last given chapter in a novel only made me respect this little naïve child. And not only the last one. I really want to point out that she NEVER had any evil intention which is clear if you read carefully.

Don't wanna spoiler for the others who didn't read it so I just wanna say that in my point of view there's no single logical argument behind hatred.

So the only thing left is "she is a female character who shows some romantical interest for one of the main lead so I don't like her". Is it all?

    Aoki Fudji May 23, 2021 6:35 am

    Tbh, it makes a little bit embarrassed that it made me so agitated to protect Yua as if she was my little sister or something (◍•ᴗ•◍)

    Sakuraruu May 23, 2021 6:45 am

    You will know why we hate her in the next chapter and the chapters after.
    She is totally the White Lotus type....
    I pity our MC becoming the target of those lowly motherfucker follower of the BitchYua...

    Sakuraruu May 23, 2021 6:47 am
    You will know why we hate her in the next chapter and the chapters after.She is totally the White Lotus type....I pity our MC becoming the target of those lowly motherfucker follower of the BitchYua... Sakuraruu

    Wait.... you completely read the novels????
    Hm.... did they change story for the manga?
    Because from my opinion, Yua is bad.

    元サラリーマン May 23, 2021 6:48 am

    Naive? More like dumb and ignorant bitch.

    Sakuraruu May 23, 2021 6:55 am
    Naive? More like dumb and ignorant bitch. 元サラリーマン

    Like, if a person don't know much, at least they need to have some tact....
    This girl is just stupid.
    Like imagine she don't know that killing someone is bad, so she kill someone. That is the level of her naivety and ignorance.
    She is the kind that will say, "Oh, you can't afford to eat bread? Then you should eat meat!"
    And what she did here:
    Aresh said Mana is poisonous for MC.
    And she just went and use magic on MC without asking permission. How stupid is that?

    Mae♡`' May 23, 2021 6:57 am

    Help who said that? The only arguments i see are that she tried using recovery magic even though aresh told her it would kill him like 5 seconds ago and that her being 16 won't justify that.ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    NOT ME May 23, 2021 7:09 am

    listen here, this is coming from an ACTUAL 16 yrs old. Yua is dumb, ignorant, and a bitch. You really think 16 yr olds are naive lil shits? Alot of us are have alot more awareness to that.

    A shitty person who is alone May 23, 2021 7:15 am

    Woah. So many many opinions.
    I like her, tho. I like her personality and she's quite innocent and cheerful. She's the cute type. Idk, she's low-key my type.

    BetterLeftUnknown May 23, 2021 7:31 am
    You will know why we hate her in the next chapter and the chapters after.She is totally the White Lotus type....I pity our MC becoming the target of those lowly motherfucker follower of the BitchYua... Sakuraruu

    What's a white lotus type?

    Aoki Fudji May 23, 2021 7:41 am
    You will know why we hate her in the next chapter and the chapters after.She is totally the White Lotus type....I pity our MC becoming the target of those lowly motherfucker follower of the BitchYua... Sakuraruu

    I guess I understood what you are talking about but still don't get it.

    Like do you also hate main lead after his fans start bullying another mc? She isn't responsible for those who just blindly treat her as a Saint. I doubt she has even a slightest idea of what they did.

    And about how she tried to heal Kondou using magic. They did tell that he has no resistance to MANA but didn't mention it's same for MAGIC as well. Those two are different things.

    Yes, it was careless and irresponsible to act without asking so she is at fault. However, from my point view, it's like getting super angry with child accidentally spilling a cup of tea. Yes, she is at fault but there are no need for overwhelming anger.

    Aoki Fudji May 23, 2021 7:49 am
    listen here, this is coming from an ACTUAL 16 yrs old. Yua is dumb, ignorant, and a bitch. You really think 16 yr olds are naive lil shits? Alot of us are have alot more awareness to that. NOT ME

    She is an ignorant like just doing what she was told. But she never had any bad intention for anyone. She didn't meant to harm Kondou also.

    And not, I don't think all 16 years are naïve. But she is. And by her age I just point out a lack of real experience.

    Aoki Fudji May 23, 2021 7:59 am

    Following spoiler.
    When Kondou explained to her that he's so much weak that he almost died twice she truly felt sorry and then tried to protect him

    And when he opened her eyes about her real position here, she decided to refuse be paid just for her existence and asked for job near Kondou( which is actually a headache to Kondou like working with someone who didn't work a single day in her life XD ). And moreover she decided to return all gifts frome prince back. (And there we also can point out Kondou thought like "why not to gave it back to treasury who actually paid for it").

    So she just needed a clear explanation.
    She may be not really clever but she isn't bad and never meant any harm to anyone.

    Qtpatootie May 23, 2021 8:00 am
    She is an ignorant like just doing what she was told. But she never had any bad intention for anyone. She didn't meant to harm Kondou also.And not, I don't think all 16 years are naïve. But she is. And by her ... Aoki Fudji

    But she didnt defend the MC when he was being accused of being into young girls? She just gladly assumed? plus, do you not know what foreshadowing is? By the way the story is goung Yua is gonna get annoying fast.And Mana and Magic is always tied together so by saying he has no resistance to mana is the same as saying he has no resistance to magic. And being naive at the qge of 16? That girl has some real growing up to do

    Lince May 23, 2021 8:00 am
    Naive? More like dumb and ignorant bitch. 元サラリーマン

    No sure about of the"bitch", but she is so dumb and ignorant that I really wish to slap her in the face and scream "wake up to the real world. Do you think people choose bad jobs because they are masochistic?! Brat, your allowance come from your parents work".

    Aoki Fudji May 23, 2021 8:02 am
    But she didnt defend the MC when he was being accused of being into young girls? She just gladly assumed? plus, do you not know what foreshadowing is? By the way the story is goung Yua is gonna get annoying fas... Qtpatootie

    I mean she didn't even know what mana is. How can she know it's connected to magic?

    And he didn't defend him cause she really don't know him. It's not like they knew each other in the previous world. They are completely stranger, how can she be sure he really is not a stacker?

    Aoki Fudji May 23, 2021 8:04 am
    No sure about of the"bitch", but she is so dumb and ignorant that I really wish to slap her in the face and scream "wake up to the real world. Do you think people choose bad jobs because they are masochistic?! ... Lince

    Okay, your point of view is clear for me I even side with it a little bit inside.

    Qtpatootie May 23, 2021 8:07 am
    But she didnt defend the MC when he was being accused of being into young girls? She just gladly assumed? plus, do you not know what foreshadowing is? By the way the story is goung Yua is gonna get annoying fas... Qtpatootie

    Being sheltered by the prince is not an excuse either. Does she not notice how rude her protectors are to kondou? Why doesnt she tell them off? Sure lets say she was being nice, but she was told that mana is litterally harmful to the MC yet she still tried it. Shes nice but shes annoying.

    NOT ME May 23, 2021 8:08 am

    Really? Jokingly calling him a cooperate slave and not standing up to him doesn't count as bad intentions? He fuckn tried to help her when she was getting sucked into the floor and when they arrived there, everyone is like, "well we didn't expect this, we're sorry but not really lol, whatchu wanna do?" and also she's just like, didn't even do shit?? And after that she didn't even try to met up with him often or try to keep in contact with him but instead keep trying to get close to seme.

    she's like one of THOSE people. The ones that would watch as others get bullied in the side without doing anything, or telling the victims that "part of them being bullied is thier fault and they should change themselves" type of bitch.

    Aoki Fudji May 23, 2021 8:13 am
    Being sheltered by the prince is not an excuse either. Does she not notice how rude her protectors are to kondou? Why doesnt she tell them off? Sure lets say she was being nice, but she was told that mana is li... Qtpatootie

    Okay, it's better now. I can understand if you see her annoying but can't if you just see as some evil bitch.

    Qtpatootie May 23, 2021 8:16 am
    I guess I understood what you are talking about but still don't get it.Like do you also hate main lead after his fans start bullying another mc? She isn't responsible for those who just blindly treat her as a S... Aoki Fudji


    Using your logic itll be ok if someone accidentally spilled toxic fumes because they are 16?? "Oh, i didnt know ammonia was harmful to you, you only said toxic fumes hehe oh? Ammonia is toxic fumes? I didnt know! Im only 16 pls forgive me ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ ehhhh??? Why are you angry? Didnt i say it was an accident? Im at fault but no need to be angry! Psh, but if it was a 9 year old child spilling tea you all wouldnt have been angry"