What happens between ch.62-206?

[email protected] May 23, 2021 5:32 am

Sorry but I am on chapter 62 and something is telling me to drop it cuz I get the feeling that a lot of people are going to die. I skip all the way to chapter 206 and now I am not sure if I should continue. Can someone give me some spoilers as to what happen in between ch.62-206

    nutinmenotonme May 23, 2021 6:28 am

    Continue it. It's definitely worth it. Skipping to chapter 206 wasn't a good idea lmfao, it's out of context spoilers but i swear that reading it is worth it.

    nutinmenotonme May 23, 2021 6:34 am

    ah and for the spoilers, only a few characters die. naoto dies in the future but he holds hands with takemichi so he can change the future again. takemici gets stuck in the past and fixes things and then shakes hands with naoto again, and luckily naoto is alive now in the future so he time travels. now what happened in the recent chapters is that mikey was going to kill himself but takemichi saved him, he had to hold hands with mikey to save him which for some reason ended up taking them back to the past and yeah, we get left w a cliff hanger lol! i hope this helped and made sense.

    [email protected] May 23, 2021 6:43 am
    ah and for the spoilers, only a few characters die. naoto dies in the future but he holds hands with takemichi so he can change the future again. takemici gets stuck in the past and fixes things and then shakes... nutinmenotonme

    Yeah. I decided to go back and read it and omg it is sooo good. And just in case something bad happens after ch.205 I decide to make a mental note in my head saying that the happy end was ch.193 thanks for the help

    nutinmenotonme May 23, 2021 6:44 am
    Yeah. I decided to go back and read it and omg it is sooo good. And just in case something bad happens after ch.205 I decide to make a mental note in my head saying that the happy end was ch.193 thanks for the... [email protected]

    alr lol good choice !! and your welcome<33