Ok i have a question. According to the comments and how no one seems to care about the che...

yaa__aa May 22, 2021 6:20 pm

Ok i have a question. According to the comments and how no one seems to care about the cheatings, is cheating a very common thing between yuris??
This is my first yuri and i would like to read more but if there is gonna be a cheating in most of them i prefer not.

    manga-lover May 22, 2021 8:18 pm

    The only instances of cheating I know occur here in WDTFS, Lily Love 2, and Lilith (then again, that's a pretty sadistic series not for the faint of hearts). Apart from that, the rest of the popular Yuri series doesn't do that.

    yaa__aa May 23, 2021 6:02 pm
    The only instances of cheating I know occur here in WDTFS, Lily Love 2, and Lilith (then again, that's a pretty sadistic series not for the faint of hearts). Apart from that, the rest of the popular Yuri series... manga-lover

    Thank you SO much

    eren please step on me May 24, 2021 2:26 am

    if you just started reading yuri then this manhwa is not suitable for you, you need to read another and come back to read this, i also read this manhwa first when i started reading yuri but then stopped because it was too heavy for me, and now after a few months i was able to read this to the end and i must say that this is the best yuri manhwa i have ever read