I think it's a very common mistake that people always appropriate these homo relationships to het ones, but as the previous comment says, we can also have 2 grooms, or 2 brides, or 2 non conforming people get married. And also the title like bride and grooms is not important on who's going to be pregnant. It this ABO univerde, it's always the omega, whatever his/her sexual preference and gender identity

Who knows same question I've been thinking lolol depends on the author I suppose. I've read stories where it's the omega father that gave birth and other stories where it's the alpha mother that gives birth. Can't really give a definite answer tbh personally I just assume its the omega father that gives birth unless I get some indications that states otherwise.
I have some question. If there is a pair, the alpha is the bride and the omega is the groom. So which one get pregnant???
I mean the female alpha and the male omega