In defense of SiTong:

progeny May 22, 2021 1:03 pm

ZiChen is 100% the weird one here. Most people don’t jump to move in together after only one month(!!!) of dating. It’s perfectly normal to be hesitant and guarded in a new relationship and feel uncomfortable because these feelings are unfamiliar. No matter how good it feels, if someone is not used to being showered with love their whole life, it makes sense why they would not know how to trust it or know how to respond to it without fucking it up entirely. If we didn’t know SiTong loved ZiChen for longer and ZiChen wasn’t super attractive and clearly the lead of a BL manhwa his behavior would be hella sus. Normal people don’t leave their family and their cell phone in an airport just bc someone said they’d miss them. Hope he dials it back at some point bc SiTong absolutely shouldn’t be feeling guilty for seeing a movie with a friend when they had no plans to meet and ZiChen ditched his own friends to see him bc he’s too infatuated to care about healthy boundaries.

tl;dr: leave SiTong alone. he’s doing his best. ZiChen is a LOT, ok?

    aoichan May 22, 2021 1:48 pm

    LMAO “if he wasn't clearly the lead in the story he would be hella sus”

    I find this hilarious cuz its right

    progeny May 22, 2021 1:56 pm
    LMAO “if he wasn't clearly the lead in the story he would be hella sus”I find this hilarious cuz its right aoichan

    there’s a fine line between romantic and creepy and it’s usually weighted with attractiveness so lead characters are always exempt lol

    aoichan May 22, 2021 3:37 pm
    there’s a fine line between romantic and creepy and it’s usually weighted with attractiveness so lead characters are always exempt lol progeny

    Preach. Halo effect amirite