Aren't you exaggerating a bit? Just take the manga as it is, don't criticize the way the author chose to end her story just because you only like plain and boring sex. Sex especially in yaoi can be rough, pushy, dirty if you didn't figure that out yet. You must be really sensitive if the last scene was too much for you. Tetsuya was just fine for being the character he is as an ex gang leader. It would have looked ridiculous if it ended like some hetero scene from a soap opera, with roses and timid kisses like you would probably like. Stick to ShounenAi if Yaoi is too much for you.

that was not my point :') I never said that the end shocked me or that was too much for me :) I never read a shonen ai in my entire life I always stick in the yaoi tag and I do actually prefer twisted shit :) I just expressed my opinion and that is that the way tetsuya acted in the end was really random. not saying it's not nice because it's not romantic and I wanted roses and kisses as soap operas :) just saying that the author pictured tetsuya in a way for the whole story and then bam > I'm gonna fuck you in the ass after 5 years because I loved you so much :-)
I'm not saying that I dislike this because is rushed (i'm not even saying that I dislike this in the first place), yaoi is full of this ! but I think it's quite not connected to the past and the whole story she decided to tell us. the whole 5 years waiting just to randomly force someone into sex ? he could've just done that the first day they met again.
this is the only thing I'm saying. I'm not against yaoi which doesn't have deep stuff and meanings or whatsoever. I read ton of that. but you usually know since the beginning when you're reading something like that. and when I started reading this story I had another impression at first that's why the end for me didn't sound that coherent. but anyway ! it's just my opinion so who cares

I completely agree, there was definitely abruptness in the change of Tetsuya character that kinda contradicts how the author portrayed him in the beginning. It was kinda played off as "I got tired of waiting for your move", (which puts the blame on Tora, but that's beside my point) to justify his tough behavior, but is kinda offputting when one recalls that this present incident started with Tetsuya saying he regretted what happened (and it was much more mutual then). How he went about it now is a bit more regrettable, but it isn't going to be thought about in that way because in the end they're together; the ends justify the means, and all that jazz. I guess we could just hope this was a one time thing and he continues their relationship with how he used to be.
Also don't mind the other anon much. It's a shame some people can't disagree or continue discourse without personally attacking someone. It's much more interesting voicing an unpopular opinion about something you like because then it shows you like it enough to understand it's flaws and can still like it with the "flaws". It also helps others see a different perspective they might not have seen, whether they agree or not, and makes for good critical conversation.
(Sorry this was so long winded lol)
' the first time he was so gentle .. now he's so rough' ... this really says all, the tetsuya of the latest two chapter acted like a douche and imo he screwed everything. after 5 years that is the wrongest way you could possibly act. I loved their story :'( I really did . everything was SO nice and cute. yet the author decided to make tetsuya force tora into sex ?? why ?? if tetsuya said to tora all the things that he said in the end, like the helmet and the ring I'm sure that tora would've accept him again and realize that he was serious about his feeling (back then and still now). I feel like the author needed to rush the sex (maybe someone asked this to her) but she ended up making tetsuya sound like a rapist.. she could've just invert the scenes about the helmet/ ring and the sex one and probably everything would sound fine and I won't be here writing this long ass comment pfff but yeah whatever