This shit was such a mind fuck. Okay so if they were souls getting ready to be born or re...

Matsurika June 5, 2016 5:01 am

This shit was such a mind fuck.
Okay so if they were souls getting ready to be born or reborn than why the fuck did the others died or flopped to the sand when ichigo graduated.?
Why didn't they go out the room like normally.? Why did the nurse lock them in? All that reality was a made up dream for ichigo. All that what was going on was fake in order to bring about ichigo fate. And the nurse had a sticking resemblance to ichigo mom. But then ichigo started out as a guy in denial. What the fuck is going on. Smh. I like it but then I didn't fucking like it. All we read was just fucking a dream it didn't really happen. Fuckkkkkk

    WTBCDMA August 28, 2016 11:36 pm

    This shit was the mind fuck of the mind fucks like my mind was being fucked so hard I that I was going 2 go crazy

    WTBCDMA August 28, 2016 11:43 pm
    This shit was the mind fuck of the mind fucks like my mind was being fucked so hard I that I was going 2 go crazy WTBCDMA

    Sae March 23, 2017 11:17 pm

    I believe none of them where ever really alive yet. The lives the lived at the school could be considered a type of limbo. They are souls who are meant to be born (graduating) and the test is to determine if they are ready yet. Things like the girl's past trauma of men could be a previous life. And how the nurse looks like her mother (I believe the nurse appears as each of the students own mothers). It would also explain why all the other students who did not graduate fell and turned to dust. They are unborn babies inside that hospital who lost their chance at life. And thats the difference between 'fading away' and 'graduating'.
    There is a short story written by Anosh Irani ("notes from the womb") depicting the life/thoughts of a fetus inside of a womb. The fetus connects and speaks with others and contemplates life outside of the womb and the desires of those around them while having a strange sense of unlimited knowledge?
    In anycase, this has been a great read and it'll be something to look back upon thoughtfully in a few months with fresh eyes.