i completely agree with you. whenever i read or watch something focused on action, drama, or anything other then romance, the romantic relationships are x10 more enjoyable. i think a lot of scenes get overused and over empathized in the romance genre. when two people in love is the main focus it kind of ruins the whole plot. you can predict what is going to happen, and who will end up with you. of course there is exceptions when its a really good story, but this is a big issue overall. im sick of how things are SO unrealistic too. i want something with emotion, action, and dilemmas. oh! another thing that makes me want to gouge my eyes out is the shitty cutesy fl's that cant fend for themselves. honestly best romance manwhas/manga out there all have strong women.
Personally, romance genre is great when it's not focused in romance(lovey dovey scenes to be specific). It makes me have urge to drop it when I see it... I kinda want it to be the end goal of the story while extra scenes now showing the lovey dovey for fan service