I just wanted to share my difficulties in here cause I don't know how I will open this pro...

ScardyCat May 21, 2021 2:45 pm

I just wanted to share my difficulties in here cause I don't know how I will open this problem up especially if it's my parents.I just keep on losing interest in studying.It doesn't excite me anymore to the point that it makes me anxious if I didn't study at all.I don't have an inspiration or a concrete reason to study and I just want to keep myself burried inside the house,curling up on the bed and read something that might interest me.I don't know how I will motivate myself and it's so damn hard to study knowing that there's no one that would help me especially now that it's difficult to study online.Sometimes I think a scenario about myself jumping on the bridge if I failed the semester again.I just want to cry sometimes but I can't and it's too frustrating and I don't know what I'll do.

    nphireaa May 21, 2021 2:51 pm

    please take a breather, go out and talk to your friends. You don’t have to open up to them about your problem if you’re uncomfortable but random chitchats can possibly make your spirit lighten a bit. Search a new hobby or interest.

    Mangaorian2000 May 21, 2021 2:54 pm

    Maybe you can try playing some educational games or play games where you can learn things I don't really have any recommendations sorry but you can look some up

    Oliviacrain May 21, 2021 2:56 pm

    I always have to recommend professional counseling since I don’t want to give any advice that could potentially just do more harm. It’s normal to go through phases like these, not trying to invalidate you and that doesn’t mean your struggles aren’t unique I’m just saying that to let you know you’re not alone and nothing is wrong with you. Since I’m not studying right now myself I don’t have a lot to say on that department except to see if you can find a good support system, like maybe reach out to friends that can support/cheer you on or that could even help you studying. Sending strength your way! <3

    Sleepy May 21, 2021 2:58 pm

    I'm sorry TT, I also have difficulty studying, and it's okay to lose your motivation from time to time and to focus on your mental health here and there, I feel like everyone has different sources of motivation, and personally, sometimes I'll think about all the things that I want to do and buy in the future and ig that it kinda motivates me? because like if I just bear with this for an hour or 2 then I would be able to do this and that, also try putting music on while you study and maybe like a reward system? like "if I study then I can read 2 chapters of_____"
    I know that online school is really hard and that you're doing your best and I'm really proud of you, but just bear with it just a little longer, because summer? (I dunno abt ur school system) is near aka summer break is soon and you'll get to relax
    (also sorry if I make you feel worse, I'm not good with words ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Innocent people May 21, 2021 3:00 pm

    Same friend same!!
    I also don't fell it!
    But I am motivating myself saying after exam I will be able to have freedom
    I can learn drawing! I can draw manhaw comic etc ! And many thing more
    But I am supper lazy

    I feel sorry for my dad!
    I want to try hard but well I am trying! I have lots of dream! Which I want to fulfil!

    But I am addicted to reading manhaw novel!

    ScardyCat May 21, 2021 3:02 pm

    Thank you.I just want to share my problems in here because I don't have someone to talk to

    ryuks gf May 21, 2021 3:07 pm

    i there! i lose motivation to study all the time, im actually a huge procrastinator and im usually lazy, but what gets me studying is by simply removing distractions out of my way. I suggest that whenever u need to study for a test, u turn off ur phone and go to a place where its quiet. u also need to have a certain mood while studying, u can turn on some relaxing music in the background. maybe have a few snacks with u and even a bottle of water on the side. a good thing to get u motivated to study is by making ur notes look nice and pleasing to the eyes. u dont want to have notes that r so messy that when u look back at them, u dont understand what u have written. also, make sure u don't overwork urself. take breaks in between so u don't get tired. have schedules for certain subjects and if u have an upcoming test or a project, put it on a calendar so that ur prepared for it beforehand.

    sometimes i will even meet with a couple of friends and we will go to the library to study together and it helps me feel very motivated. when ur surrounded by ppl who can help u, u can get work done a lot faster as well.

    i hope u feel better!