my bsf really wants to move back to her real parents cuz her relatives here is shit her re...

akira May 21, 2021 12:27 pm

my bsf really wants to move back to her real parents cuz her relatives here is shit her real mom already agreed but she hasnt told her mom here yet bc she shitty but her parents live cities away what should I do? I'm so attached to her idk what I would do without her I have never thought of a future without her

    Leyana May 21, 2021 12:34 pm

    Uh..(b4r u get attacked by "this is not ur personal space" ask manga related question)... Idk the real situation deeply but from the first person point of view she should get back to her real parents or whoever treats her nice cuz being around only one nice person is not enough considering her family is not that good and she has to put up with them
    It's better to move with her real family who treats her better for her better health
    As for u, u can always keep in touch if u feel u won't be able to..Then is ur friendship really worth it? U can always meet up if u r an adult?

    akira May 21, 2021 12:44 pm
    Uh..(b4r u get attacked by "this is not ur personal space" ask manga related question)... Idk the real situation deeply but from the first person point of view she should get back to her real parents or whoever... Leyana

    thank you for replying. but the thing is her real mom already has 4 children to look for 2 is kids and the pther 2 is around their early teens so idk if she would even enough attention and for the whole time she is here her real mother did not talk or ask anything more than her grades so I'm a bit skeptical and after stalking her real mothers fb page made me even more skeptical with how she posts conversations ablut her talking with her husband asking for a laptop or smth I'm confused on what to do because as each others one and true friend I would support her

    Leyana May 21, 2021 12:53 pm
    thank you for replying. but the thing is her real mom already has 4 children to look for 2 is kids and the pther 2 is around their early teens so idk if she would even enough attention and for the whole time sh... akira

    Um the whole point is who's treating ur friend better if both r no good then her only option can be living in hostel or dorm kinda thing if not so then she will just have to accept the way she is living now
    Well if she decided to leave her current family, that's a big step so she probably thinks living with her real mom is better and if u could make it look like so she is going there for a while(to check out both options and choose the better one) in that case she can return if she really wishes so

    Leyana May 21, 2021 12:55 pm

    As for ur concern u can't really expectt if one place is hell then other has not be heaven where ever she live she will hv to face hardship as there must be some reason to why she came to live as she is now
    Just hope everything turns for the better

    akira May 21, 2021 1:04 pm

    thanks for talking to me it helps alot thank you I really appreciate it I'll talk to her and see what we can do

    Leyana May 21, 2021 1:14 pm
    thanks for talking to me it helps alot thank you I really appreciate it I'll talk to her and see what we can do akira

    Happy to help if that's helped any