She is the same piece of shit as Torso.

I love mutsuki but she is a twisted psychopath.Killed her whole family brutally, killed many cats and stored their tongues in a jar and even the way she killed Torso is fucked up.

Mutsuki just got a hell of a lot more interesting. I didn't give two shits about the Q's before this, but now I'm all about learning what's going to happen to Mutsuki next. Is there salvation for a person that kills their own family... and kitties?

ya and that fuckin instructor helped her out. man this manga has a lot of tragedies in it i hope it gets a happy endin if not at least want a satisfactory one.

Yeah. They're actually the same kind of person. But, Torso psychopath way is out in the open and the cause is actually something that I can sympathize with. While for mutsuki? I don't hate her. I just don't understand why Mutsuki killed the whole family. For what they do to Mutsuki? For the rape? For Mutsuki mother decision to ignore the rape? What about her brother? the cat? Hm... This chapter leveled up Mutsuki to a whole different level. Made Mutsuki unique in a whole different way. I guess CCG is desperate enough to recruit a criminal psychopath to be an investigator. Or, did they believe that Mutsuki wasn't the one killing her whole family? Mutsuki truly become unique.

True. And she is a liar too. She lied to herself. Pretending it didn't happen. It's too much for her so she run away. Sorry. But she look like a hypocrite to me. But then, she probably went through a lot of bad things that is enough to make her be twisted. I try to feel sorry for her. But I can't. I just feel interested about what will happen next and what will unveil next.

Hi! Here's something that bugged me....
After reading the latest chapter, which tells about Touro's past and having a multiple personality disorder... It's possible that in order for a one eyed ghoul like Kaneki, they should have multiple personality disorder... Or else they will be like the failed experiments of Kanou... because even Urie, has several monologues of his own, but he shows a different personality towards the person he is talking to, like he has the ability to fake it...

I don't really know. But if it's true... well.... that's pretty hardcore. But then, as far as I remember, putting Mutsuki aside, Kaneki is a normal college student before. Other than his rather rough childhood or past with his mother, he looked common and normal to me. Even after becoming a ghoul, he still has that kind personality. He changed a lot after being tortured by that sadist ghoul [forgot his name]. I think he started to develop that extreme sadistic psychopath bad ass white haired ghoul personality after that incident. I don't know about Mutsuki, is it the same case for him and Urie too? We all know they have one same common thing. They have a rather painful trauma from the past. Urie lost his father, Mutsuki being hit and raped by his step father, Kaneki being abused by his mother and lost his father too. They all have a rather broken or rough family. Maybe that influenced them to develop that kind of multiple personality disorder? I don't really know. Tokyo ghoul never explain much about ghoul nature. But, almost all ghoul is either a sadist, a serial killer, or a psychopath. To defeat that kind of ghoul require strength. All I can say is the strength that CCG and the investigator has, it comes with a big price. To defeat a being as twisted as a ghoul, they probably need to be as twisted as them too.

What mutsuki did to her father is understandable because her father raped and abused her before and her mother probably because she is too afraid of her husband to go help her daughter but even her brother,that's fucked up. It looks like she killed the rest of her family to cover up for her own doing and blaming it all on a ghoul. CCG takes everyone in, what matters to them if you can kill ghouls or not. To be an investigator, it is better if you are mentally unstable so you won't hesitate or feel remorse from doing your job. Even so, making mutsuki into a Quinx is very dangerous move from them considering her past crimes.

Agree. Mutsuki probably do that to cover it up. She did said that a ghoul do it.
"..mentally unstable you won't hesitate or feel remorse from doing your job."
Reasonable. Wow! You really nailed it. CCG is really twisted in the inside if they think that they can change a psychopath criminal into a ghoul killing machine much more a quinx. Imagine what she can do if she were cut loose like the situation now? But then Mutsuki quinx never developed properly. At least I never see her use it yet. Maybe soon we'll see it.
And yeah.... it really is dangerous and crazy to change her into a quinx considering her past crimes. I remember she said she "ate" them. She wasn't even a quinx yet! Wow... I hope I read it wrong.

I think she really did eat them because how else you could convince people especially ones from CCG that the ghoul was the culprit if there wasn't any sign of the corpses been devoured.

his subconscious has assimilated a part of her other self, that is why he (i get confused with mutsuki's pronouns sometimes) chose knives. And thinking back, if mutsuki was one of the weaker members of qs, then he would have already died at many instances. But he always seem to get by all the time. so now we know the reason why.
ishida-sensei sure knows how to mind fuck. and sensei isn't afraid to destroy her characters in a lot of ways.
Mutsuki be the bad ass. Don't worry Mutsuki. You aren't the worst people in the whole world of Tokyo Ghoul. But, really, I wonder what will happen next?