Yahwi been r@ped jooin and disrespected him more than Cain ever will. (I'm pretty sure what you're talking about was a literal dream if I'm not mistaken) and tricking him to stay at his place didn't do any harm because hes not even doing anything wrong?? Lol, he's cooking and cleaning 4 him if I remember correctly, not that it's right but it's not really doing much damage since Cain is v thankful. Cain actually loves jooin and actually helps jooin free his mind from worries while yahwi IS the worry.

No, it's not a dream. In chapter 55, Jooin got sick and Cain kissed him hard and even bit his lip that it bruised. Jooin was not in the right mind and couldn't give a consent. Assault is assault. You cannot justify his actions just because other people did worse. And yeah that wet dream? Is a dog lusting his owner romantic? Creeping on Jooin's bed, smelling him while he's asleep, not giving him a personal space, lying, stalking? That's your definition of a "good guy"? And even if he does good things, like cooking or cleaning, Jooin doesn't owe him anything. He is the one who is forcing himself into Jooin's life. I'm not defending Yahwi's wrongdoings but you guys always slander Yahwi but very quiet when it comes to Cain's wrongdoings ...and even praise him
Don't get ne wrong i love jooin but bitch you're overreacting and FOR WHAT???? Cain has been there for u, never disrespected u, treated u like a god and yet u bitch still make him feel like shit just for liking u??? When that mf literally manipulated the shit out of u and used u and treated u like a dog to keep hoes away???