I get your reasonings and all but it's like "I died because of you but your nice now so let's be together again!" Type of shit. It shows how little respect the author has for abuse survivors. Let's say she overcome her fear of him instead of being friends they are said to start over again.
They can be friends. She's now happy. But if they did become just friends who helped each other it would have been fine. I don't keep contact with my abusive mother but she tried her best to be better. So does my ex boyfriend. We're just civil wit each other.
This is just my opinion (◡ ω ◡) I'm actually quite a picky person in terms of things I like so the main reason why I don't like this story is because with reminds me of my trauma lol. Sorry for trauma dumping (◍•ᴗ•◍)have a nice day!
WARNING: This'll be long, but feel free to read and give your opinion, as I am stating mine.
I'm seeing a lot of hate because of the female lead (Aristia) choosing the man that killed her in her past life (the prince). I understand the frustration, as I felt it too while reading most of the story, but I came to understand in the end.
If the prince had even showed A HINT of who he was before, there is absolutely no way she would have conquered her fear of him. What made her fall in love the second time wasn't fate (as it was the 1st life), it was the man who cherished her and tried his best to protect and respect her. Even then, it was EXTREMELY HARD for her to overcome who he was in her previous life, and she feared that he would still change for the worst in the future. That his heart would ultimately become evil as before.
Aristia had much trouble conquering her fear of the prince, and she never forgot the past. The point of the story is that the people within the story changed from who they were in her previous life, and she realized that with much struggle. They are not who they were due to the changes that she chained, like a drop in still water becoming waves.
She changed as a person, and that brought change and understanding of the people connected to her. It made people feel differently towards her, it brought things to light that weren't known of in the previous life, and it allowed her to bring change to others because of her new understanding.
For example, she changed the prince's knowledge of the Emperor's feelings for him, and explained why he acted the way he did. This was a major step in changing the prince's mindset compared to the previous life. Instead of the misunderstanding the emperor made hardening the prince's heart and making him feel he was never enough, thus pushing his mentality further down; Arista revealed the emperor's true thoughts and worries for him, which opened the prince's understanding and undid a major change. Not only did this make it easier for the prince to stay on the right track, but probably made him an even better person after much thought.
I think we all wanted her to end up with the knight or the scholar, but the last chapters (and I mean VERY last) had me appreciate that she ended up with the prince and the new man that he had become. Of course the old him still happened for her, that'll never change and she'll never forget it. But the new him is a man that is completely different, that has never committed such actions, and is willing to do the blood oath with her so that he can never betray her in the future.
If you actually read ALL of this, thank you for listening and I hope I somewhat eased the rage directed at the female lead for her choice in love.
( ̄∇ ̄")