Hear me out... There are 2 possible endings here...

Megako-chan May 20, 2021 8:12 pm

Either 1. Gyuh-wool somehow managed to either break out of jail & evade the police while raising no alarms or bribed his way out of justice, then bought the convenience store & kidnapped Jinyoo again. Both of these scenarios are far-fetched as Gyuh-wool isn't powerful enough to either break out of a cell, kill all the officers watching him, make out of without being recognized & make sure no one noticed that he's missing or bribed enough people for him to evade multiple charges of rape, kidnapping & attempted murder.

2. Jinyoo has developed schizophrenia or a similar mental illness because of his PTSD from the incident. There's actually a bit of evidence for us to assume this is the case. Jinyoo saw Gyuh-wool while having sex with Hayan, while she obviously wasn't Gyuh-wool. Jinyoo heard Gyuh-wool's voice when he bumped into that man at the convenience store. When Jinyoo "sees" Gyuh-wool we technically see him too, but that could just be us seeing what he sees. When Gyuh-wool speaks his speech isn't in a speech bubble, it's formatted just like Jinyoo's thoughts. In extra 2 the last words "... Jinyoo was unable to escape from (Gyuh-wool's) grasp for quite some time, even after the incident. With that some time being... a mere couple of months." This could easily be interpreted figuratively. That plop/this we hear outside the convenience store could be the sound of Jinyoo fainting out of fright. I think this is much more likely than Gyuh-wool breaking out of jail. I think that ending makes this manga less than it could be.

This is just my interpretation. Lemme know if y'all agree/disagree.

    Nae.bitxh May 25, 2021 2:50 pm

    For the first one: Gyuhwool was rich so maybe he paid a cop to release him? Idk, but i agree with the second theory