Tia best girl!!!!

LunaL May 20, 2021 4:59 pm

Okay but like, Tia is best girl jxsndj (as if that's not already obvious self!!). But srsly, she realizes that her mistakes carry themselves to where she is now and she feels guilty and repents them for setting cedric's life and the whole nation's future for the better. But hopefully, by the end of it all i wish she has closure, i wish for her being forgiven and for her to accept that forgiveness. Because no matter how many time's she may be forgiven, if she herself still feels the weight of her crimes, she will never move forward.

I hope that when they finally meet lysia and cedric chooses her, then by then, I hope she does her best efforts to give the kingdom it's best king and to give herself a chance for redemption.

Her past actions may never be excused, of course if we go by real life standards, however she's improving and seeing the betterside of things now!!
