Nori isnt injured, he just felt a bit uncomfortable on his elbow thats why he got to sit out in ichidai to wait for confirmation from seidou doctor. Kataoka said nori will be playing after the result from hospital cleared everything out. The aithor wont put nori in the backburner for the finals match cuz nori just get his resolution on his final year few chapter back. He determined to play eventhough there is possibility to fckd up his elbow, that resolution wont be forgotten on reader mind
Is this too early for me to be afraid for all the dramas that might come from INASHIRO Vs. SEIDO match??? I'm afraid that our baby Eijun will be very tired and not be on his 1000% self on the game. I guess this will be furuya's turn again. Aaahhhhh... for me as long as they can reach the nationals, its ok! After all, this is the year that Seido is unbeatable because of their pitchers..