Yeah I know, but running away in every situation is not a best solution right? And how can Jihyun overcome all of those trauma if he keeps hiding and pushes people who wants to help and love him like Yohan away from him. That's why I want to see those changes from Jihyun, where he face all his fears and build up some courage to try opening up himself to those people whose willing to help and accept his painful past

Yeah but that isn't Yohan's fault. They didn't blame Jihyun but only mentioned that they felt bad for Yohan. It's a pity that Yohan fell in love with someone like Jihyun. It may sound harsh but Yohan also doesn't deserve all this hardships. Not saying that Jihyun's the one at fault but it's just about Yohan.
I feel sorry for Yohan to fall for someone like.... Jihyun, idk I just can't bring myself to like him... you know its kinda depressing to watch Yohan doing his best but still pushes away by Jihyun... but I still hoping that one day I will come to like him... and I will wait for that day to come...but, now lem'me simp over Yohan's Big brodaah KyaAaAhh!!! (≧∀≦)