okay but like when ego started sprouting bullshit about how blue lock had already won, did...

kuramochi May 20, 2021 12:54 pm

okay but like when ego started sprouting bullshit about how blue lock had already won, did anyone else just get really mad?? IM SORRY BUT LIKE HE WENT ON TELLING THEM TO BE THE BEST AND NOT SETTLE FOR LESS N SHIT AND BUILT UP THEIR EGOS ONLY TO BE LIKE "we will lose here but you kinda already won" WHAT TYPE OF BUM ANSWER IS THAT???? "i will disappear but you guys wont" WHO GIVES A FUCK BOUT YOU MATE???? im so glad isagi just laid it all down on him because i was so shocked that ego even thought that was the answer any of us wanted to hear. he kinda weak for that.

    keme <3 May 20, 2021 9:52 pm


    leesdx May 24, 2021 1:36 pm

    I was about ready to jump in and take over.