So we can officialy said that Lola IS one of Big Mom daughter!

Rie_07 June 2, 2016 3:55 pm

"One of my dearly beloved sisters left home in search of a free, independet love. A journey in search of groom." When Pudding said this I was screaming out loud. 'See!! I knew it tha Lola is big mom daughter!!"
Can't wait to see them meet big mom and then I hope Nami remember about the viviere card lola gave to her and show it to big mom so Luffy doen't have to put himself fighting her.

I think Pekom being kidnaped by one of Jinbe man. Rembember at the last chapter that his man following Luffy ship. Maybe Jinbe crew think that Pekom want to harm one of Luffy crew and then they kidnaped Pekom. Well maybe, all of this only my assumption. We still didn't know what happen withPekom.And I think Sanji big brother not as nice as his little brother and sister. Maybe we can see when Sanji fight his brother so he can comeback with Luffy.

    Shizaya1348 June 4, 2016 2:58 am

    I thought so, too!?

    ray382vk June 4, 2016 3:32 am

    & when she said that nami looks surprised which means she will probably remember lola gave vivre card to her & ask if lola is your sister or sth ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ