OOF ( ̄▽ ̄)

Popcrazy May 20, 2021 7:55 am

no matter how incompetent, naive, or weak the male omegas are, they are never criticized as harshly for it as this a female lead is lmao. if you want some real detective work, go watch moriarty the patriot or something idk. I'm here for the smut

    Cloudy May 20, 2021 3:13 pm

    lmao same

    Trin May 24, 2021 8:21 pm

    no but seriously i’ve read so many omega verse mangas and i’ve realised for some stupid reason whenever it’s a straight one even if the fl acts the exact same way as a guy would in a bl she gets so much shit and suddenly everything she does is wrong

    Popcrazy May 24, 2021 11:09 pm
    no but seriously i’ve read so many omega verse mangas and i’ve realised for some stupid reason whenever it’s a straight one even if the fl acts the exact same way as a guy would in a bl she gets so much s... Trin

    men and woman are judged by different standards for the same things, and other woman (some, not all) often perpetuate what men believe about woman (could be for various reasons, it's not always their own fault) self hate (internalized misogyny) social pressure, religion. which usually leaves woman as a whole with the shorter end of the stick most of the time, its a sad truth.