My bet is nori will be up first since he didnt pitch before and then furuya will tale a place and after that sawamura will close it, like it or not relay pitcher is the best way to fight inajitsu nomatter hpw skillful sawamura are. And about miyuki retiring i still think it will be looong way, right now inajitsu is the wall but we still had hongo team too, after that i still think since miyuki is basically the most fav character in DnA close with sawamura, the aithor will prolong miyuki existence longer which mean qe will go to summer koushie and try to be yhe champion just like the original goal of seidou

Agree,, right now in my eyes both sawamura and furuya is basically still a baby that just try to lear to walk by themself while miyuki still holding their hands, i am pretty sure the author want both sawamura and furuya to be independent meaning they dont need miyuki lead BUT can lead instead since as we can see miyuki replacement is okumura and yui which lacks experience a lot, so when miyuki gone, the hole he left as a cather is really big hence the pitcher need to compensated it by closing it together with the first year by working together side by side both in leading attack and defense

I can't imagine nori will be pitching for finals not as starter atleast but as reliever for 1 inning (for nori to have the feeling of overcoming his past self from the previous seido vs inajitsu). I really do hope that the author would prolong the moment while the third years still didn't graduated.

Idk if I should be happy or sad that miyuki or the third year will graduate because I am so excited for sawamura as third year and for he and furuya to lead (i do hope for kanemaru as captain though). I am also excited for their synergy with the first year catchers but it is still so far to end as you said they still need to win over inajitsu, hongo, mimura, the twins, and others. I will be contented for seido to win the championship and for sawamura to complete his numbers.

Nori will be playing, there is no reason the author put his resolution few chapters back and yet only put him as relief for 1 inning, he determined to back up seidou evethough there is a possibility of him fcking his elbow up, beside nori being a starter happen in book 1 in finals againt inajitsu with the relay pitcher, so its not impossible. Nori isnt injured, he just felt a bit uncomfortabpe on his elbow thats why kataoka wants to wait for the hospital result before letting him play. Saidou need nori sinker, they cant defeat inajitsu by sawamura or furuya alone and kaneda skill isnt really needed in inajitsu match since he only has forkball and his speed i normal so he is out of question.

It is a bittersweet and i do feel guilty that i am looking forward of the new battery especially after we see a snippet of sawamura lead okumura in seihou practiced match. I just hoped DnA will last waay longer and didnt get canceled in the middle, i am too invested on this manga and i need to see the end no matter how long i need

I forgot the degree of his injury/discomfort to his elbow. I also forgot nori's determination to be back pitching in game though i remember his frustration for not playing in the game. i got so caught up of what he said that he won't continue baseball after graduation. Maybe you're right about him as starter but I also think of him as reliever for thw inajitsu game because he was the reliever from the last battle and resulted to major mental breakdown
to him for not closing the game properly at that time. Maybe atleast as reliever he can have closure or fulfillment for himself.

I know right the feeling of guilt especially after TJ gave us a 1st year catchers and
the pitchers moments. I too am so invested in dna and i hope and wish that it would last loooong and it would not be the same as baby step that the author got to end the series midway (base on the rumor and what i read of the spoiler of others).
I really need sawamura to get revenge on that freaking batter that manipulated him for that deadball on inajtisu match... but at the sametime tht deadball is the reason for all the repertoire he got.. damn..