I don't have english translations bc translators were asked to stop translating it. It is my understanding that there is an official english translation in the works but it's going to be a while before that happens. I knew that a few chapters were translated but tbh I didn't bother looking for them since I started reading the novel from where the divorce happens. I didn't care to read the beginning part. If you're reading on google chrome you can just google translate the screen but the pronouns are really messed up so you'll have to think abt what's going on.

wait i'm dumb i just remembered that before i used naver i temporarily read on novel full. It doesn't have all the chapters so if you're impatient you can just use naver after reading all that's available on novel full.

[MAJOR SPOILER] yeah she tries to use kaufman bc she thinks he hates navier. She wanted to form a partnership with him but it doesn't really work out for her. She ends up committing suicide after she's banished and confined in that one place that i forgot the name of (oops). I don't necessarily hate her bc she's not as bad as rashta (or that bad of a person in general) but that whole concubine incident just rubbed me the wrong way.
Rashta finds out abt christa and intentionally gets christa drunk to get info out of her. She's the first person to find out about christa's feelings for heinley. She doesn't rlly get to use that information bc of the whole situation with kaufman and christa. Everything is already exposed but Rashta does spread rumors about Navier's infertility (which soveshit scolds her for bc she literally did it on Navier's wedding day in front of a bunch of ppl).

This part is open ended (idk if they'll make it more clear in the manhwa but it's not clear in the novel). The bed that Navier and Heinley sleep/have sex on is a magic bed. It could be that both Sovieshit and Navier are infertile and the magic bed healed her infertility or it could be that Sovieshit was infertile which is why she never got pregnant. Rashta was already pregnant with her baby before her and Sovieshit met (and u can't get pregnant if you're already pregnant) so there is a chance that Navier was infertile and sovieshit wasn't but it's all in the air. The main point is that she does end up having twins with Heinley so ig all's well that ends well.

He has always been suspicious bc (1) Navier never got pregnant when she was with him but immediately pregnant when she got married to Heinley (2) no matter how hard he looked he could never find any resemblance between him and "his daughter" (3) he's also aware of rashta and her lying tendencies (not to mention the way she treats others. she tried to execute and torture so many ppl that he had to step in and take away her ability to do that). He asks her for a paternity test but she remembers the advice duke ergi gave her abt not taking paternity test...so she refuses. This causes so many rumors to come up about her kid being someone else's (the rumors sweep nobles, commoners, and aristocrats alike). She ends up agreeing to it so the rumors die down afterwards. Sovieshit makes Allan come to the paternity test bc he planned on making Allan take the test as well.The test came up negative as being his kid and positive as Allan's. Allan tried to refuse to take the test bc he has no relation with Rashta but Rashta ends up striking him bc he called her "Rashta" and not "the empress" or "her majesty". But yeah that's how that happened.

This is the start of his regret so nothing happens to him directly after. The paternity test leads to him starting to regret everything and it leads to rashta's karma. He puts rashta on trial for all of her crimes and she basically threatens him by saying "if i go down, you go down with me" but sovieshit just doesn't care. She goes on trial and is found guilty. Navier and heinley are there bc navier was there to testify against rashta. This maid who's tongue she had cut out (for "ripping the feathers off of the blue bird"), was also there to testify as well as some others. Rashta basically reveals to everyone that sovieshit is infertile. Whilst Rashta was in prison (i'm pretty sure this was before the trial though i could be wrong) she did try to escape. One of her maids helped her but Rashta stabbed her to death after she helped....yeah rashta is crazy af...i forgot his name but this duke had prepared a carriage for her. However duke tuaina (idk how to spell his name but the one who divorced his wife just bc rashta claimed she cheated) stopped them. The duke who helped rashta was also imprisoned. Sovieshit anticipated this would happen but didn't do anything bc he knew duke tuaina would stop them. Anyways rashta was sentenced to be locked in this tower for the rest of her life and whither away (pretty good punishment but unfortunately she didn't get to serve her punishment). Literally on the first night there someone slipped her a pill (poison) along through the flood slot in the door. She knew what it was and she took the poison. She didn't regret any of her actions and doesn't think she did anything wrong and she also claims to have loved sovieshit very much. Her body isn't found until a week later and it's already decomposed at that time and the only identifying feature on the corpse is her white hair. If you ask me whoever slipped that poison is an annoying prick bc she didn't even get to serve out her punishment for a day like wtf is that. Anyways.....allan and the viscount are also executed but levetti manages to survive. After all this sovieshit's mental health begins to seriously deteriorate and he ends up throwing himself out a window. he survives and when he wakes up, he has lost 5 years of his memory and asks about where navier is. His aide tells him that he divorced navier and that navier is now empress of the western kingdom. Sovieshit can't believe that he (the mature version of himself) would do that and he wants to go see her but his aide talks him down. He develops a split personality where during the night he is his regular self and during the day he lost 5 years of his memory. Eventually he does get his memories back during both time periods but his mental health is shit and the empire begins to crumble. Rashta used up a lot of royal funds to pay back her debts to the viscount and she also gave territory to duke ergi...but this territory is actually valuable. It is near the sea and without that territory, it's hard for the eastern empire to defend itself. Sovieshit is unfit to rule at this point and he doesn't have an heir...in the case that sovieshit doesn't have an hier, the duke (who helped rashta) was supposed to take the throne BUT he can't do that bc he's in prison. Navier's father ends up temporarily assuming the role bc he has control over the military and he's the most fit. However navier's daughter will be the emperor of the eastern empire when she comes of age. i say emperor and not empress bc the emperor is the actual ruler of an empire and the empress is the wife and could easily be dethroned if divorced (as navier is) and that's why in manhwa's like "men of the harem" (same author), latil is referred to as the emperor and not the empress. Navier's son is the heir of the western empire. Sovieshit is talking to his aide and he regrets everything. He talks about how all his messed up decisions led him to his point and he wishes he could go back and change what he's done.
You asked for what happened to sovieshit but the paternity thing related more to rashta so i said both of their endings.
*spoiler warning again*
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Navier is going to face hell even in the Western Kingdom/Empire (as of rn it's a kingdom but on the day of their wedding they become an empire so Heinley becomes Emperor and Navier becomes Empress). There's this whole other issue in that kingdom with Christa (the former queen who was married to Heinley's late brother). Fun fact Christa has feelings for Heinley even tho they used to be in-laws (she had feelings for him since before she even married his brother) so she doesn't like Navier. Christa isn't as bad as Rashta so relax but she did do some messed up things. Thanks to Kaufman drugging Heinley (love potion), there were some rumors about Heinley and Christa (they were being kinda intimate ON navier and heinley's WEDDING DAY). She tries to use those rumors to her benefit and she lies saying that her and heinley did the deed and she demands he take responsibility and make her his mistress/concubine...yeah. Basically she's been acting as the queen since heinley was unmarried but now there was a queen but she still refused to leave and even heinley wants her to leave after he found out abt her feelings. Kaufman regrets his actions and ends up helping navier and heinley to stop christa's plan. She ends up leaving and on top of that she's humiliated bc her maids told the truth plus kaufman..she was exposed as a liar. Trashta comes to the western empire and tries to stir shit up for Navier. Sovieshit gets drunk at Navier's wedding and it's so f'ing funny. Christa's cousin goes out of his way to always make Navier's life hell. Back to Kaufman drugging Heinley....Heinley literally locked himself in his room until it wore off bc he knew that he wasn't acting like himself and that Kaufman had put something in his drink. The next day he was literally crying...like sobbing..saying that he's sorry for cheating and that he would never do that if it wasn't for the love potion. I literally cried so much in that scene and I will never forgive Kaufman for that. Just get ready y'all because we have a long road of pain ahead of us. even the next few chapters will be hell. Soveshit will literally imprison Heinley and Navier in her parent's home. He has to free Heinley but planned to trap Navier there...so he sends duke ergi to free Heinley but duke ergi is like 'nah imma free both'.
Fun fact:
Heinley is actually a virgin and asks Navier to take the lead on their first night.
Navier found out Heinley was queen when she saw a bird flying in the sky and decided to follow it. She ended up going inside the building bc she had been sure she saw queen go in there and then she saw queen drinking out of a fountain. She then saw queen transform into a naked Heinley. In the novel she mentioned how big his dick is and it was rlly funny to read. After that incident she struggles to look him in the eye bc every time she sees him, she thinks of his dick...but he thinks that she's mad at him. She ends up telling him the truth abt why she's avoiding him and it's so funny. Heinley (he's such a tease lmao) tells her that he can show her his dick anytime she wants so that she doesn't have to constantly keep thinking abt it. There are some more instances like this one so lemme know if y'all wanna hear it.