Those daggers are oozing power, they are glorious!

Foxglove May 20, 2021 4:09 am

So last week while reading the previous chapter, I was a sobbing mess because of the Chairman’s fate, Woo Jin-Chul obvious grief and crying and then Sung Jinwoo was crying.

This chapter was a mini roller coaster of emotions. I am so excited to see a little more information shared about the monarchs in general. I was near tears when I saw the Chairman’s empty chair and Woo Jin-Chul’s reaction to the board’s proposal. I know he doesn’t look at himself as someone who can fill that chair, but if he decides to do so, I think he would be more than capable. I was moved by how humble Thomas Andre’s attitude has been since his fight with Sung Jinwoo. I cannot wait, cannot wait, cannot wait until those daggers are given to Sung Jinwoo and we will witness his reaction to them.

I love this story!

    Nami May 20, 2021 4:12 am

    I agree. I honestly love that they didn’t use this Andre as a villain shitty character. But a man with respect for himself and for does around him, it’s even presenting him as a person who cares for does below him giving him a compassionate heart made me like him. I want to believe at first he really just was threatened by someone greater but realized there was nothing tk be threatened about since he might have realized this is a friendship or a I am here and I am by your side. Sorry to ramble off

    Foxglove May 20, 2021 5:28 am

    You are not rambling! I really had a change of heart about him too. It takes a really big person to act the way he is acting in front of his guild members, Sung Jinwoo and ALL the other hunters. I hope we are able to spend a little more time with some of the other characters as the story moves along. I just wonder how many more times I will cry and have my heart filled up with warm feelings before we turn the last page of this story. I love it when a story can captivate me so much like this one has! Now, I might truly be rambling!