Naw, she's trash too. There are ways to go about the things she wanted. Safety security so forth. She decided to take the trashy road instead. I think the empress and her were put in a very BAD SPOT. The guy is dumb because he could have had them both easily if he treated them both with respect. He didn't want to because he was at nature a selfish man.
Nahhhh....she is trashhhh as fuckkkkkk!!!! Did you see that evil grin when navier agreed to divorce the emperor? huh? And when she found out that navier is gonna marry the duke her grin became dissatisfaction? yeah she just wanna get attention and the everything she wants....but not wishing anyone to be happy is utterly absurd. It's like she only wants herself to be happy. She even did not reconsider what the shit emperor would feel if the child isn't his...and the maid who said that is happy of serving her, she even thought that when he became the empress she would replace that maid....And you're telling me that she just want's to protect her child? like what? SHE IS CLEARLY USING HER OWN FREAKIN CHILD TO GET WHAT SHE WANTS!!!! Now you're telling me she isn't evil? Tf?
yes, I'm serious I don't know how to do the spoiler tags ---- so please stop reading
anyways. At the start, she was fully prepared for side pieces. I think if that hick was a slightly better person she'd even but upset about the firstborn but she'd have done ok with it in the end. She knows how to keep her face up and more importantly she was trained to treat empress as a job. There are very few people who had the training she had in the kingdom. The guy was a fool. When you have a side piece castle every one was prepared to see side pieces on the side. He just had to play the game correctly. He didn't because he's a self center fool. Like a trust fund baby.
I don't really think that trashta is evil because she just wanted to give her baby a safe and secured life with her and she wants to give them a very comfortable life, she also wanted love and attention.
She's very kind and thoughtful but because she's so desperate to get what she want in life, she didn't think very thoroughly and she did it the wrong way because of that she caused a lot of troubles and even hurted people by doing her plans. Also almost all the people who surrounded Her was very manipulative.
As for the trash emperor,
He got together with trashta because of her bubbly personality, he wanted to have her because navier didn't have a very bubbly personality But he shouldn't have done that.
I think he's more trash than rashtaತ_ʖತ
rashta wanted to have a good life but that trashy emperor just wanted fucking affection