while you're at it explain why armin all of a sudden tanked eren for doing genocide when he spent the last arcs going against that idea, explain also why the fuck eren made dina eat his mom because now i cant even watch the first episode of the anime without thinking of this shit that doesnt even make any sense. There's a lot of plothole and shit writting in the last chapter that make the whole story pointless but if you're content with what we got thats cool, still doesnt make the overall quality of the writing good though. I can assure you good writers must feel the same.

My dear, I don't have time to be on this shit all day every day and I'm so sorry for you if you've got nothing better to do, it seems you're salty because I offended your understanding capabilities, it's ok, we've all got differences and I couldn't care less about how stupid you are.
The plot holes are exactly what makes this good, it's because you can fill it with whatever your imagination works out, it's all easily explained through the time loop and the connection Eren has with Ymir, both slaves in their own ways, one craves freedom and the other succumbs to slavery and the vessel that ties that freedom to them is Mikasa because Ah, you'll have to figure that out yourself with that bony head of yours.
There are so many theories about all of this but instead of trying to understand the story and make up yours you're literally complaining just for the sake of it. Just admit you didn't realize this is an open end story because it wouldn't be a wrong guess to believe the author won't explain anything no more.
Plus bitch who the fuck do you think you are "I gave you almost a day, no answer" xdd you are not a priority, goodness.

Funny........ i think i remember you being the one who started talking to me in the first place, so the one robbing me my time is clearly you darling ( ´-`)
You realize that plotholes are not the same as scenes open for interpretation, right? A plothole is a part of the story that doesnt get explained and therefore doesnt make sense with the context the reader has, moments open for interpretation have basis so that the reader can make his own interpertation out of it. Seems like the real stupid here is only you.. who would have thought.
You said i didnt understand the ending, so you surely must have! How come it now is just up for interpretation if you previously stated i didnt understand it? The contradictions are hilarious, ngl.
It seems you are a little too triggered with my questions that you wouldnt even have gotten if you just shut up and ingnored my original comment that wasnt even for you.

Hahahahha, should I remind you of the 3 responses you gave to 1 of mine, and to top it off you being impatient and all arrogant for not responding in less than 24 h? Triggered? Girl I'm having fun.
Plus what is even the comment section for if you'll proceed to say shut up and ignore my comment.
Personal opinion I don't care about reaching an agreement with you, the story is as good as it is and it works for me for so many different reasons, and if it does not resonate with you then that's good too, but lowering the rates? You've gotta be kidding me if you think this deserves less than what it's got.

May i remind you that you wouldnt have gotten those responses if you stayed quiet in the first place instead of making a figure of an idiot? If you're having fun why did you say i was taking up your time..? It makes seem like you don't want to talk to me :(
If you start talking to someone then you dont have a right to tell that same person to shut up, since you were the one to walk up to them in the first place. I thought kids knew this, seems like they don't.
The story works for you? GOOD. I don't care if you like it or not, i already started this in my second response to you, that you choose to ignore by the looks of it. Thing is, from a writing perspective the story is NOT good.
Its good elements were made meaningless with the final chapter but im not here to talk to a person that doesnt even want to understand what im talking about since "buhuh you're no allowed to dislike the ending!!!!! it is good, you just dont understand!!!11 oh wait you asked me to explain the plotholes..? forget what i said earlier then.. the ending is.. it is actually open to interpretation!!!11" Cry me a river and gtfo instead of bargaining into someone's house and complaining they are talking to you.

Wow you're imitating me in a ridiculing way, my girl it seems you're just as lame as I am I don't know where you're getting all your confidence from. You keep putting words into my mouth because I clearly don't remember telling you to shut up but go on.
You've got the right to comment shit and I've got that same right to respond to it idk why you'd make a fuss out of that but no, wait, actually I get it. "You wouldn't have gotten those responses if you had stayed quiet" so by that I'm guessing you have an impulse on responding just for the sake of having the upper hand. Sure, all yours.
"The story works for you? GOOD. I don't care if you like it or not, i already started this in my second response to you" ah yeah the one in which you say my standards are fucking low? That's a pretty intense statement for someone who doesn't care, and the thing is, it's not that you don't care, it's just you using every opportunity to be a rude bitch.
As I said before, if it doesn't work for you then great, if you did not understand shit from it, great, I REALLY couldn't care less.
This is completely a recommendation and you do you but don't bother answering to this because from now on I'll just ignore this thread.

Imitating who? I tried to make you leave me tf alone since the beginning, but i think all humans are capable of writing walls of text when presented with one they have to respond to. If you dont like it then start making what you have to say short, no one likes to read shit girl (´-_ゝ-`)
"should I remind you of the 3 responses you gave to 1 of mine, and to top it off you being impatient and all arrogant for not responding in less than 24 h?" It seems you have indeed, told me shut up, when you had no right since the original comment is mine and you're the one who started to give "me" attention ( ´_>`) don't want me to talk a lot then just drop the shit and get the fuck out of here. This was and IS in a comment chain you started, if you're gonna complain then maybe don't start one next time.
And you were also the one who started with the insults and the rude speech so i find the hypocrisy hilarious here ngl.
Talking about SNK, yeah, i said you're standards are pretty fucking low and i'll say it again if you want me to. Thing is i didnt say you were not allowed to dislike it. Not even once. But it seems like you think i did.
This fucking clusterfuck as 9.8 as mean score, meaning a lot of people dont care for the quality of the writing and thats what makes no sense. A few people like you liking it would be okay since there's plenty of people who find shit writing to be guilty pleasures or are just dumb while thinking shit is a masterpiece, but this many people is impossible to fathom.
The ending is not meant to be understood, and not even the story as whole because everything seems like a fanfic made by a 9 year old with too much time on their hands for their own good. Open endings can be good, but SNK didnt pull it off well at all. Plot points that make 0 sense dont get explained creating plotholes, actions made at the end are not in line with what the characters have done until that point, etc etc.
And, oh? Is the child finally gonna stop crying? Sweet. If you return i'll be forced to block you though, since i am the one who doesnt have anymore time for this shit really ┐(´-`)┌
how is this still 9.8? please lower it, thanks