im srry yall but the ml is making me wanna drop this story. Anyways guys pls stop hating o...

itsme_ May 19, 2021 10:40 pm

im srry yall but the ml is making me wanna drop this story. Anyways guys pls stop hating on the fl, shes suppose to act like how a 15 year old would act with a child mind, i think shes acting dense on purpose as well since shes suppose to die.

    oushi May 19, 2021 10:45 pm

    why is the ml making u wanna drop it??

    itsme_ May 19, 2021 11:05 pm
    why is the ml making u wanna drop it?? oushi

    Idk why but i just cant like him for some reason, he just annoys me AND IDK WHY i most likely have issues but-

    oushi May 19, 2021 11:08 pm
    Idk why but i just cant like him for some reason, he just annoys me AND IDK WHY i most likely have issues but- itsme_

    what? ml he rly hasnt done anything yet that is of importance ( ;´Д`)

    itsme_ May 19, 2021 11:10 pm
    what? ml he rly hasnt done anything yet that is of importance ( ;´Д`) oushi

    IK BUT LIKE SOMETHING ABOUT HIM just makes me mad- like i said i may have issues

    Rosehill May 19, 2021 11:15 pm
    IK BUT LIKE SOMETHING ABOUT HIM just makes me mad- like i said i may have issues itsme_

    WAIT NO I THINK I TOTALLY GET WHAT YOU MEAN but I’m still not on the verge of dropping it yet

    Bibi May 20, 2021 1:07 am

    LMFAO no no you’re onto something. Something ab him makes me wanna punch his face even tho I know he hasn’t done anything yet

    LatteGratte May 20, 2021 1:15 am

    That doesn’t make sense.....

    itsme_ May 20, 2021 1:17 am
    That doesn’t make sense..... LatteGratte

    if ur talking about why the ml pisses me off ion get it either lmao, like i just dont like his ass

    Dina May 20, 2021 1:29 am
    if ur talking about why the ml pisses me off ion get it either lmao, like i just dont like his ass itsme_

    Maybe bcs of how he just there every single scene of our FL and act like an idiot
    If this the reasons then I agree with you

    oushi May 20, 2021 2:05 am
    Maybe bcs of how he just there every single scene of our FL and act like an idiot If this the reasons then I agree with you Dina

    wym acts like an idiot?

    Boiers May 20, 2021 2:10 am

    Bruhhhh if y'all are complaining about the ML/FL just drop it

    kiss me baby ♡ May 20, 2021 3:58 am
    if ur talking about why the ml pisses me off ion get it either lmao, like i just dont like his ass itsme_

    hahahaha i understand this feeling

    Dina May 20, 2021 4:47 am
    wym acts like an idiot? oushi

    Like everyone knows that he love viche but he pretended like he didn't and the fact he isn't brave enough to confess. I would say he is an idiot for leaving viche hanging with unclear emotion

    LatteGratte May 20, 2021 5:17 am
    Like everyone knows that he love viche but he pretended like he didn't and the fact he isn't brave enough to confess. I would say he is an idiot for leaving viche hanging with unclear emotion Dina

    lol what? nah it’s not about bravery, he could confess. But the timing isn’t it. And he’s not leaving her hanging cause she’s too dumb to even recognize that he likes her, he’s not even pretending he doesn’t like her.... he’s being straightforward.

    hopeTibb May 20, 2021 5:56 am

    for me, it's kind of his smugness attitude, he's cute and he did bring her back in time to safe her so I understad most of his attitude but but, it's annoying, how he treats her, like he can kind of control her around cuz he likes her... and I like the fl cuz she's not at fault for being dense, someone told her to go with the flow of the story and she tried, at least how she understood, from his past life, so obviously, she wasn't not focused in that dude, but in going back to her reality. And even tho she tried her hardest and died for him now she's back so she's clueless, and this dude did not help her either. But it's none of their fault, cuz she could not tell she was from anothr world, so this dude rlly didn't understand why she always avoid him. We can say both are selfish but, at the same time they're so selfless for eachother it's annoying lol