for me, it's kind of his smugness attitude, he's cute and he did bring her back in time to safe her so I understad most of his attitude but but, it's annoying, how he treats her, like he can kind of control her around cuz he likes her... and I like the fl cuz she's not at fault for being dense, someone told her to go with the flow of the story and she tried, at least how she understood, from his past life, so obviously, she wasn't not focused in that dude, but in going back to her reality. And even tho she tried her hardest and died for him now she's back so she's clueless, and this dude did not help her either. But it's none of their fault, cuz she could not tell she was from anothr world, so this dude rlly didn't understand why she always avoid him. We can say both are selfish but, at the same time they're so selfless for eachother it's annoying lol
im srry yall but the ml is making me wanna drop this story. Anyways guys pls stop hating on the fl, shes suppose to act like how a 15 year old would act with a child mind, i think shes acting dense on purpose as well since shes suppose to die.