Oop, somebody. Lmao funny how you thought you did something by this comment.
First of all, “yo stanky ass” boy please, I have OCD. Lol trying to check someone by pfp you so funny, you thought
Second of all, you just made all the dudes that are interested in me, including me, laugh.
Third of all, don’t you think it’s funny when an anonymous pfp person tries to check a person who has the courage to show themselves?
Yeah no talk back. Have a pfp of you then talk hm?
And lastly, obviously I hurt your feelings because what I said is true and I was too blunt. I’m not going to apologize though bc it’s true.
Why do men... *sigh* the author is male ofc. It’s so hard to NOT say “i hate all men”. I know they not all like this but damn bruh, they keep doing or MAKING shit like this bc they just wanna FUCK. Fucking animals.