Ask yourself if you feel like this because you're comparing yourself to others. Is it because you feel like it's something YOU SHOULD BE DOING or is it actually something YOU WANT TO BE DOING. You say it's a mediocre state school but like the school still has the classes that pertain to the degree you're going for? Really just think what you're basing these feelings on. Also, using distractions and escapism are only going to make you feel worse. Re-evaluate and reflect on your feelings and adjust.
well, we have different coping mechanisms, but whenever i'm in a stump or in a depressed state, i usually things that i dont usually do. Going out, jogging, or any physical activity. I also surround myself with a great support who understands me very well. But in your case, if things get too much, I suggest you to go to a Psychiatrist or something.
Your feelings are valid, whether you're privileged or not. Mental health matters as much as physical health. There's no loss in losing people who will never understand you. Love yourself
A lot of it comparing myself to others I think. Friends in my high school who have similar stats to me have gotten into Ivies and really prestigious colleges unlike myself. It also I think has to do with my own standards my expectations that I’ve placed on myself since elementary school and seeing how I’ve never measured up. The school I’m going to is a pretty average school for my degree and the pre law track which is another cause of anxiety for me(considering the fields over saturation. I’m tying to adjust my thinking style because I’m realizing what trouble it’s giving me internally but I don’t know how to fully address my feelings and move on I guess
Before pandemic and college applications I never really had an depressed states or slumps so I never considered myself to be someone who needs psychiatric help honestly, this is honestly the worst I’ve ever felt in my life. I try and confront my friends about my feelings but they usually disregard or don’t agree with why I’m so disappointed which frustrates me sometimes. I used to be a runner and had more hobbies but I can’t find the interest of energy to do anything besides my current modes of escapism. I guess I do have mental health problems lol
Wanting to move on is a great start!
If you hold on to your regrets, it will be hard to move on; reflect deep inside (maybe have a good cry; it always helps me!), then accept that what happened has already happened.
Start small, take care of yourself first. :)
Then, do you know what you want for your future?
Set small goals to achieve for each day to get there.
Take advantage of what you have at the moment!
"Mediocre schools" still have amazing opportunities!
Everything else will fall into place.
Remember, starting is the hardest part, then it gets easier!
Good luck! I believe in you! Let me know if it helps!
Okay so I realize I’m very privileged to even be attending a college, but I can’t stop feeling disappointed in myself. Ever since I was little I imagined myself going so far doing so many crazy things and being someone important, which would begin with the college I attend out of high school. However I completely fucked up this fall and didn’t take advantage of my time or my work in a meaningful way. I only applied in state, applied to mostly super expensive schools that were out of my budget and the rest were safeties that I hated. I’m hitting myself rn because even thought I did get into the colleges I applied to, they didn’t give me enough money to actually attend so now I’m stuck at a mediocre state school that makes me want to cry. I feel like I missed my chance and I have so many regrets and I hate this feeling and just want to move on. But I don’t know how. So I’m getting more and more depressed. Reading manga and watching anime are slowly becoming my online escapes. I’m losing friendships. I can’t bring myself to be happy anymore. What should I do?