What is the plot you think is "very well written". İ would love if there is romance in it

Mavikelebek May 19, 2021 9:25 pm

What is the plot you think is "very well written". İ would love if there is romance in it

    DKJ May 19, 2021 10:05 pm

    I recommend Cheese In a Trap

    The expressions these characters make are so sophisticated and their characterization is as well. It's not your typical romance where the characters are lovey dovey, they have drama, and then love each other again. Their relationship goes beyond romance.

    The MC is a really perceptive woman to the point where others may call her paranoid. This leads her to notice the ML. He is someone who feels isolated since he knows he's different from the rest and that people only approach him to get something from him. He's seen as perfect but this who really know him, like his father, describe him as "weird."

    The ML misinterpretes that the MC is moving him one day, and their clashing starts. This actually takes place in the past because our stories starts 1 year after they meet.

    The ML suddenly wants to become friends with the MC, which she finds weird because she knows that he hated her last year and indirectly made her life hard. From there the plot takes off.

    It's a complete 10/10. It's on here but it's also free on Webtoon under the Completed tag

    DKJ May 19, 2021 10:08 pm

    (Ik I already posted but I made like a million spelling mistakes so I fixed them

    Mavikelebek May 19, 2021 10:33 pm
    (Ik I already posted but I made like a million spelling mistakes so I fixed them DKJ

    No worries. Thank you a lot. Love the way that you explained. Will look into it ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Mavikelebek May 19, 2021 10:36 pm
    No worries. Thank you a lot. Love the way that you explained. Will look into it ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ Mavikelebek

    Actually... İ had read it little but my comment seems like this (copying directly)"It is so long and I think so many thing is not necessary. I read until nearly 30 episodes and then I skipped 10 and then read and again 5 episode passed and read like this. Really I don't like main boy character. And also it is so long!! Entrica entrica.."

    Since you recommended and i don't remember well i will give one more chance but i don't know i will like the story that i once didn't like.

    DKJ May 20, 2021 12:38 am
    Actually... İ had read it little but my comment seems like this (copying directly)"It is so long and I think so many thing is not necessary. I read until nearly 30 episodes and then I skipped 10 and then read ... Mavikelebek

    Oh I see. In the beginning I was also confused because there's a lot of subtle details that can be easy to miss. The white panels are the present and the black one are flashbacks in case that helps. I hope your opinion of it changes but I can understand that it may not be everyone's cup of tea. Have fun tho

    Mavikelebek May 20, 2021 7:04 pm
    Oh I see. In the beginning I was also confused because there's a lot of subtle details that can be easy to miss. The white panels are the present and the black one are flashbacks in case that helps. I hope your... DKJ

    Thank you