Although in this case it doesn't really apply (she looks young, but not that young) I see another potential problem though: the fact that someone much older would get attracted to someone who has the appearance of a child. We can say that "what matters is what's inside" all we want, there are still limits for the outward appearance.
But that would be up the person receiving the affection to decide. We've already been given a clear understanding of her inner thoughts which actually talk about their age. But if we are talking about ppl in general in a relationship with an age I actually find it immature of people to react in such a way. Plenty of ppl have gotten married, had healthy relationships and they were ten years apart.
(being consentant, being able to consent without any obstacle to it really being consent (age, power dynamics, etc.)) the fact that an adult can be attracted to what looks like the body of a child is worrying. And I'm talking more about manga than real life precisely because (thankfully) bodies don't work the same way IRL.
Be it in shoujo or in yaoi, there often is a character involved in a relationship that has the body of a litteral child, which I personally find disturbing, because when it's like that the character tends to look younger and younger as the chapters pass.
I actually agree that there’s a bit of creep level when an adult is sexually attracted to person who has the appearance of child, but more when the attraction is solely because they have the appearance of a child. That doesn’t seem to apply here though, when the characters that are attracted to Yuri explain their affection for her it is never about her body or childish looks, it is always her wittiness and adorable personality that makes them love her so much. If they were like “Ooh, this person looks so much like a 10 yo, I wanna f**k them” , I would be dropping this story faster than dropped out of yoga class.
So ppl keep talking about the age gap but~~~ um u have to add yuri "death age" plus the years she loved in this world. In fact yuri getting with a guy her age would also create an age gap...