Well before he grabbed him with the rope and stuff he asked him for a favour or whatever it was something like ‘you gotta do this now’ I don’t even remember so based off that I reckon he’s still alive and red hair is obviously gonna notice that his body isn’t there anymore after he runs away and then black hair is gonna get punished or something

Allow me to ease your mind. From what I gather, Seung-rok is not stupid. He’s a trained and experienced killer. Possibly an ex-military assassin. He clearly strangled that dude while he was blackout high on ecstasy (drugs like that already make it hard to breathe) but again, Seung-rok isnt stupid, I’m positive that he made sure he was dead before leaving. There’s no way he’s still alive after that. If he’s still alive that would just be bad writing...
Guys... I think he’s still alive, I honestly want him to die but I think black hair distracted red hair so the blond hair could get away..
Anyway- he almost just killed a guy (if I’m right) and then they just fuck I- GET YO KINKY MF ASS’ OUT OF HERE OMFG