I wasnt able to read the whole thing but a lot of shit will happen after this unfortunately :<
After that, Yeni does go back to Lebovny and spends her days peacefully while she plays with her niece and nephew(I cant wait to see them with her with brizney and alexio. It'll be so fucking cute AAHHH) Anyway, she starts to worry that eru doesn't like her anymore since he hasn't sent letters for months...what she doesn't know is that eru did send letters. He sent countless proposals to the Lebovny king to formally court Yeni and marry her. But the king is very wary of eru and doesn't want to give yeni to him bcs well....Eru did technically kidnap Yeni. He also blocks all of Eru's personal letters to yeni out of spite and ignores Eru's proposals. Im not sure what happens after that since the wattpad translation got shot down. But from the spoilers I read before, I heard they end up having children(yes, plural). Deckard(who was originally Soleia's son) becomes their(Yeni and Eru's) first son and this time he aint obsessed about his cousin(brizney) but he's clingy over his mom. He and Eru always fight over Yeni's attention :>. They also end up having two more daughters, I believe? (bcs Eru badly wants a little carbon copy of Yeni and they failed twice with deckard and the first daughter who looks exactly like eru lmao the last daughter will look like yeni, fortunately for father.)
Can someone tell the spoilers