Bish what.... I'm on chap14

Redhead May 19, 2021 3:38 am

W8 are they related or not huh I'm so confuse

    SadeReader May 19, 2021 10:14 am

    I can give you a spoiler if you'd like?

    Redhead May 19, 2021 12:56 pm
    I can give you a spoiler if you'd like? SadeReader

    Sure gimme gimme

    SadeReader May 19, 2021 4:30 pm
    Sure gimme gimme Redhead

    So, it's kinda complicated
    When their mother was pregnant with Annette, she prayed to the devil for a son, so sometime during her pregnancy with Annette she conceived Johan, but when Johan was born he came out as an actual demon, like with a tail and horns and everything, so she made another wish to the demon for him to be human. So they are from the same womb, but they do not have the same father and they're technically not even the same species, hence it's up to you to decide whether you consider them siblings or not.
    P.S: there was also a line that implied that the demon actually impregnated their mother; "Nine months after the demon arrived, the lady gave birth" or something like that.

    So, on one hand; they were raised as siblings, they came from the same mother, they were born on the same day, and they acknowledge each other as siblings, so that's enough to qualify them as siblings in my opinion, but for some, due to the fact that they aren't the same species, and didn't come from the same sperm(father), that's enough to regard them as not siblings. So you should just take your pick of which ever theory you agree with.

    Redhead May 20, 2021 3:51 am
    So, it's kinda complicatedWhen their mother was pregnant with Annette, she prayed to the devil for a son, so sometime during her pregnancy with Annette she conceived Johan, but when Johan was born he came out a... SadeReader

    I see thank you for the spoiler

    SadeReader May 20, 2021 1:25 pm
    I see thank you for the spoiler Redhead

    You're welcome ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

    Candigoins May 23, 2021 5:03 pm

    It's something like surrogacy. The demon child was not connected to the mother by the umbilical cord. So was not getting life, nutrition from her at all. He was placed there by the curse/ devil. So like me the other comment said he was still technically born from the Mom. complicated, lol

    Violet May 24, 2021 6:04 am
    So, it's kinda complicatedWhen their mother was pregnant with Annette, she prayed to the devil for a son, so sometime during her pregnancy with Annette she conceived Johan, but when Johan was born he came out a... SadeReader

    They are still related to each other since they are half brother and sister. You said the devil impregnated the mother. Which would implied that they Half brother and sister that shares either a father or a mother to each other.

    Technically these twins inherent half of the genes from their mother so half of the genes that are inside their bodies make them related to each other even if they are different species