Communication mofos communication jeez I so thought we passed the point where they needed to communicate ugh

All about the love May 19, 2021 1:52 am

Boy I just read 35 & 36 on mamhua scan and Lord I feel for the ml though I feel even more for the FL but the was in so deep like shit only to hear all that without knowing the truth though if he rlly loved her he wouldn't have let her go I mean that "get out" was a real bitch but she shouldn't have dne that either I mean if I were in her situation I would tell ichi all what happened and see if he would do anything and if he doesn't bubye

    spacekitten May 25, 2021 3:02 am

    ahh could u pls spoil it for me !!!

    All about the love May 25, 2021 2:41 pm
    ahh could u pls spoil it for me !!! spacekitten

    It's like all of what happened in 32-34 but all in the mls view