first of all, you are most definitely not sorry, the author isn't being psycho but being desperate, WE ARE taking bread out of their mouth, this manhwa is absolute fire, it's really good, it is getting the recognition it deserves but is killing the author, illegal sites such as Mangago is bringing their spirit down, they try their best to make a living out of what they do and all we do is steal it and read it illegally for our own benefit, they are going to struggle if illegal sites continues to take their work, this is hard work and the fact you called it shitty is very disrespectful, very rude at that too, you would understand if you had some talent to actually draw till your arms fall off and make money with a great product only for it to be taken by greedy people, so I suggest you get off your high horse and support the damn author

Hello sweetiethx for your reply. I'm sorry if this bothered you. However, if you go to the author's account on Twitter, you will see for yourself how she speaks inferior and disrespects to a large group of people, naturally everyone was offended! I have the right to get angry when I am insulted and humiliated just because I have read manhwa. Somehow, we all contributed its fame. Cuz of some special circumstances i face, I haven't dealt with an official website. She's even kinda racist and says that "if you're poor, you don't have to read" also she claimed that she bans non-Koreans followers just because they aren't Koreans, she's doubtful about their way of reading. She says, "If you love me and you tell me this to me and you don't read officially, go to hell."
Everyone contributes believe me, but some contribute financially, some by publishing, some with helping to become fame, some with appreciation, gratitude and moral support. It's not like if you're poor or not knowing how to get free coins for the website that you don't deserve to have fun like everyone else and if you don't understand Korean don't read or to go to hell.
Seriously, that's how she treats others. I'm sorry and I won't continue reading it anyways

Sorry but that's pretty rude as an aspiring artist drawing can be torture and planning out a whole story with good characters are hard too the author works really hard to make this amazing product and reading it for free makes her unable to earn back. I'm also broke which is why I use these sites so I will support them once I'm older but really pls don't call other ppl's hard work "trash" like that

Dear Minnie, if you read the author's Twiiter carefully, you will know she is not racist and she's very kind and friendly to her readers. Most of her tweets were Google translated and was blown out of proportion. But I understand why you misunderstood her posts because your command of English is poor. Sorry for being rude.
The author has already stated she doesn't want fame because of illegal readers. She has a right to be rude to you because you're a thief (no better way to say it). Thank god, you're going to stop reading it because you don't deserve it anyway if you are reading illegally. Good day to you :)

I can't write English grammatically correct maybe in a bad way too. But I can read it and understand it very well .
For me beign a thief ..we're all in the same boat, unfortunately.
I didn't read it all just 2 chapters and I won't continue reading it even if they continued uploading it ..even if the author herself said it's okay to read it for free.
I hope everyone who can't pay don't read it, so she can enjoy the non thief readers.
Good day to you too :)
I am sorry but the author is a ps*cho
Like really it doesn't deserve all of that.
We aren't taking the bread out of her mouth
I don't care to continue reading this manhwa because it's so average comparing to some other awesome manhwas.
I hope nothing is going to happen to mangago cuz of this sh*tty problem
We just gave this manhwa the fame n the attention more than it deserves. Mangago gives manhwas (even if illegally) a lot of benefits but ppl won’t appreciate anything except/but money.
I mean no harm n I'm not beign rude. So, I hope no one will reply just to insult me for this.
P.s (about the last wish n request, ppl already did cross the line) so it's okay .