honestly? lemme say my long piece HAHAHAHAHA

fujoshi des(;ω;) May 18, 2021 8:48 pm

i still stick and follow the up to date of these webtoon till these day cuz the plot and the action are kinda my type but then they kept bringing up the romance and shiii so NO THANKS...since they bring it up and try to help her "progress" their relationship curently ...imma take a break for these follow up few chap lmao..im too sick of the other webtoon with their harem...and now even this useless and fruitless romance skit are just a waste of time...but i wanna know what is the author think abt this? cuz they clearly shows the mc boundaries and line abt romance relationship so i wanna know wether they really gonna stick to it until the end(mc being an asexual)

edit: after ive gone through some comment before this theres alot "yall gotta stop saying this doesnt need romance" kind of thing...lemme just say..ive got to this point because i came across this webtoon because of the rating and the genre(purely searching for actions shii and found this) so! this is why i conclude that this is a fruitless relationship since in the beginning the author really create that line and shows how he live his life being the asexual he is so i just assume this is fruitless too considering theres no romance tag in the genre so i totally disagree if someone say romance is necessary in this webtoon because i could totally enjoy this without the girl being clingy and desperate wanting to get his attention and love

    fujoshi des(;ω;) May 18, 2021 8:54 pm

    now that i reread this back..im so bad in english..yall can just ignore ma comment lmao i talk too much and its fucking long hahah.. but still im just gonna leave it here