If am not wrongly assuming, OP means the comparison between author of BLIND PLAY manhwa and RATOV's (this webtoon) author, BP's author on twitter made some triggering comments about illegal readers. Some readers took it as a racist comments and some were upset because author called out illegal readers his comic's "murderers".
So OP of this topic means how different author of this webtoon is compared to the other artists
no no no Im not at all angry, I was just saying its refreshing to have an author be ok with releases on here. (since they use patreon for all the latest chapters)
I've seen a korean animator who got visibly frustrated with their work being released outside channels they approve of.
I've even seen japanese doujinshi artists who complain in articles about how they cant sustain money from their doujinshis because they're pirated in the west.
Oh, that makes sense. Many Korean authors (Japanese too but especially Korean) do that pretty often. Piracy or not, they think it is 'unfair' for foreigners to read their works on certain platforms That's what happened to TCF's official novel translations even though it was completely legal and purchased. T_T
Yeah, it is refreshing that the author is cool with it and themselves post their Webtoon on this site. That kinda rare even for non-Korean authors.(☆▽☆)
assuming the author is the actual author and not some egomaniac assuming to be the author themself... this is a novel take on a relationship between a manga site and creator.
I know plenty of mangakas and authors who blow up about their work being released without their consent where fans can secretly enjoy it, but I think its clear that a new model needs to be taken instead of just releasing to a small group when it's evident that fans are EVERYWHERE. Being able to reveal chapters for free while keeping the latest chapters under a pay wall is brilliant for advertising as well as maintaining a fan base.