
No..its not true? The thing yuyang said on the first three chapters were just him giving some random examples of what ""might"" happen in life, he didnt die or anything. If it's true then can you give some proof that djun specifically said yuyang dies of cancer in the future, its not true if its true then welp im 99% sure what you said is clearly false though so stop crying
I am crying for real, this end is not the real one. In the real one Yuyang die from a cancer. Do you remember the sentence about the couple who said « they will have to face hard time in the future » it’s literally because Yuyang die. Fock I am crying what is that, why Lihuan family have so much bad luck this is awful... If you wonder why the end here is different, it’s because Djun didn’t want to disappoint or make the readers sad...
Well I wish you have a good day.